The Huntsmen

Huntsmen are an old sect of monster hunters that trace their lineage back to the origins of magic itself. Blood magic is the oldest form of magic. These Huntsmen and Huntresses Travel Coriss and help villages keep the dangers of the wild out of their territory. There is a stigma about being a Huntsman. The use of blood magic is seen as obscene, and looked down on. The Huntsmen are tolerated for their usefulness, but also not necessarily welcome. Because of this it is not unusual for a Huntsman to keep on the move. There are lodges in major cities where Huntsmen and Huntresses can stay the night and also pick up odd jobs around that town. It is also not uncommon to hire a Huntsman to escort you on the road to your destination. The woods and roads are filled with dangers, including troublesome Fey and Aberrations.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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