The Maidens

The three maidens are the predominant deities of Coriss, at least, they are the most active. It is said that they were tthree sisters that, thousands of years ago, ascended to godhood. No one knows how, but it is thought to have coincided with a great calamity that almost ended life itself. Some believe that these stories are just that, stories. Others believe that they are all just four aspects of one goddess. Whatever you believe, for the last five thousand years, they have ruled over this realm.   The Maiden Eros has dominion of the wilderness and the sea. She has become the symbol for sailors and rangers alike. You will find shrines to her in port towns and in woodland glades. Some Druids worship her, while others tend to revere nature itself. It is not uncommon to make an offering to her before venturing out into the wilds of Coriss. Because she represents all of nature, she also is associated with storms, floods, and other natural disasters.   Her strictures are these:
  • Protect the wild places of the world from destruction and overuse. Oppose the rampant spread of cities and empires.
  • Hunt aberrant monsters and other abominations of nature.
  • Do not fear or condemn the savagery of nature. Live in harmony with the wild.
  The Maiden Erathis has dominion of knowledge, prophecy, skill and civilization. She is the patron goddess of the Precepts, and all those who seek out great truths. She is mostly associated with the good in the world. Erathis also has a military association because of her relation with skill and tactical knowledge. She is often portrayed with a book in one hand, and a sword in the other. This split between goodness and war is sometimes hard to reconcile for some.   Her commands are also teachings:
  • Seek the perfection of your mind by bringing reason, perception, and emotion into balance with one another.
  • Accumulate, preserve, and distribute knowledge in all forms. Pursue education, build libraries, and seek out lost and ancient lore.
  • Seek to best your enemies with your superior knowledge and tactics. Your mind is your greatest weapon.
  • Be watchful at all times for the followers of Vecna, who seek to control knowledge and keep secrets. Oppose their schemes, unmask their secrets, and blind them with the light of truth and reason.
  The Maiden Istus is the goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, and the Future. She, like many other things about her, are unknown. Traditionally misunderstood, Istus rules over fate itself. She follows the threads of every being’s life, and guides them on their path to their eventual death. Many think that she herself IS death, but this could not be further from the truth. She represents the natural order of things, and despises anything that corrupts this process. She marks the end of all mortal life and mourners call upon her during funeral rites, in the hope that she will guard the departed from the curse of undeath.   She expects her followers to abide by these commandments:
  • Hold no pity for those who suffer and die, for death is the natural end of life.
  • Bring down the proud who try to cast off the chains of fate. As the instrument of the Istus, you must punish hubris where you find it.
  • Look for signs and visions to keep you on your path.
The Larger cities of Coriss will typically have temples dedicated to the three main Maidens. The temples are typically made up of three separate temples connected by a great central dome or atrium. In this central place, there are three pillars, each representing a specific sister. Each sub temple is overseen by that specific Goddesses’ acolytes. You can either make an offering to all three goddesses in the center, or, go to the temple of your choosing.

Notes from the Author

I find it strange how many different stories there are about the maidens. All contradicting. In some, they are sisters, still others just friends. More still suppose they are all just one person that people exaggerated about over the years.

  find this maddening personally. You would think that someone would keep accurate notes over the year.

  Oh well, I suppose if they did I would be out of a profession.


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