The Southern Sands

The Southern Sands are an unforgiving place in Coriss. Filled with shifting sand currents and viscous creatures, it takes an expert to live and travel outside of city walls here.


The Desert of the Southern Sands Is mostly a large dune desert consisting of occasional rock out cropping's. What waters does exist here lay in underground rivers deep in the sands. The large dune fields are known to sometimes shift in unpredictable ways, creating a sand "river". These sand flows can de devastating to anyone traveling through those areas. Not mush is known why this happens.


The Ecosystem in the Southern Sands is balanced and unforgiving. The flora and fauna here have evolved to survive in this environment, but in doing so have become harsh and brutal. These are no room to make mistakes here. One must learn quickly to live here.

Fauna & Flora

The plant life is minimal, but still present. Mostly consisting of small cacti and scrub bushes. The most notable plant is the strange floating bubble Weed. This strange bioluminescent plant floats through the air at night, absorbing the sparse moisture in the air. In the day light, the bubble weed roots in shady rocky out cropping's to ovoid the harsh sunlight. It is also occasionally a carnivore. Its long dangling roots and catch and extract moisture form smaller living creatures. In larger groups, they have been know to take down humanoids.


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