AMC Headquarters

Purpose / Function

Once a grand office for American Motors, now one of the squat sites of Duke and his gang.


The building has gone to shit. Paint peels from the ceiling in large and jagged chunks. The outside is littered with trash and garbage, much like the inside. Debries like shattered support beams, fallen ceiling panels, and winding cables which attached to nothing.    Graffiti speckles every surface, with some being kindred marks dectating this as Duke's turf (and maybe more).


Made of faded brick on the outside, giving way to interiors of cold and cracked stone, above which lie standard office spaces who's white walls are cracked and marked.


Some gang members are assigned to specific spots, camping out throughout the night to watch for potential intruders or prey. They also know the layout well, being able to lead wayward souls to spots with little integrity without risking themselves.


The former American Motors Headquarters was built from 1926-1927 as an appliance factory for Kelvinator. They excelled in refrigerators for the average homemaker (which probably helped lead to the downfall of horse-drawn ice wagons) and this Detroit location was just what they needed to expand. In the mid-1930s, they expanded further by merging with Nash Motors, changing their name to Nash-Kelvinator. In 1940, an addition was added on, making the plant a whoppin' 57-acres.   After successfully producing helicopters during World War 2, it was time to expand once again. This time, it was with Hudson Motors, and the combination of Kelvinator, Nash, and Hudson became known as the American Motors Corporation. Kelvinator bowed out in 1968, and by 1973, AMC had moved out of Detroit. The old factory remained engineering headquarters until 1987 when it was sold to Chrysler. The plant mainly cranked out Jeeps and designed the Jeep Cherokee and Dodge Ram.    More changes in the 1990s. The building became leased by Borman Food Stores and Farmer Jack. In 2005, Chrysler filed bankruptcy and the plant was closed for good in 2007. It sits, looming over most everything around it, splattered with graffiti - inside and out. But it remains majestic – at least on the outside.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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