The Line of Emperors

The Following is a Brief Timeline of every emperor to rule the Forzorian from its founding to the modern day, each imperial entry will be followed by a blurb of that emperor's reign and the events that occurred concurrent to it. be warned that  He also formed a new legal system from the fractured and different systems across the territory he conquered during his reign. His Military Conquests, often seen as the single greatest achievement he had ever given to the Empire, stretched from the Province of Liglen in the North, the lands of Moldexia to the south and the mountains of Darkland to the east, which when combined with the Forzorian Heartland, layed the establishment of the 4 oldest provinces of the Empire.

Flavius I

Reign: (21-56IE)   The only son of Augustus I, Flavius I oversaw a great economic rebirth of the Empire, outlining a new tax system for his people, new trade treaties with foreign powers and the establishment several imperial lead mercantile and trade guilds from which the Empire could more directly play its hand in the economy of the whole nation.
  Flavius I would also lay the framework of the modern Imperial currency of the empire, establishing a new Imperial Mint, which began creating Gold and Silver Coins, bearing the visage of his Father and Mother respectively, along with an early predecessor to the Modern Imperial Bank.

Alexander I

Reign: (56-78IE)   The only son of Flavius I, Alexander II's reign would be dominated by the turmoil of the Forzorian Wars of Religion, a period of conflict which overwhelmed the empire between dozens of religious cults centered around his grandfather, Augustus I. These Cults would overtimes consolidate into larger entities that he was forced to subdue with military force in the bloody conflict.
  Once the Cults were subdued and successfully dealt with, Alexander's reign would not last longer, with the chaos of the period draining the life from him and causing him to pass away prematurely, leaving behind a underage son and an Empire teetering on the brink.

Flavius II

Reign: (78-112IE)   Only a boy when his father passed, Flavius II would come under the sway of a regency council that would come into a conflict with an aristocratic and merchant council based in the city of Fraum, declaring themselves the rightful regency council and throwing the empire into a brief civil war in which the Council of Fraum would be suppressed and the legitimate regency secured
  Upon entering adulthood, Flavius II would make the controversial decision of forming an Imperial Diet, made of prominent nobles and merchants, allowing them to have a say on the laws and policies of the empire at large, beginning the Imperial Diet as an institution. Besides the Diet, Flavius II would begin to implement several policies his father had planned before his passing, including taxation reforms for the Aristocracy, new laws concerning the legal status for the poor and lower classes, and fully establishing an Empire wide Judicial System.
  However, Flavius II would sadly be infertile and be unable to sire children so the throne would pass to his younger brother.

Andraos I

Reign: (112-123IE)   The Younger Brother of Flavius II, Andraos I's reign would be stable and prosperous, with no major event or policy reforms taking place.

Constance I

Reign: (123-164IE)   Son of Andraos I, Constance I would launch the campaigns of conquest into the lands of the Rhiraq and Niremirians, forming the modern provinces of Khira and Ikara along the empire's eastern border, forming part of its modern eastern border.
  Besides his military conquest, Constance I would reform the Military slightly, expanding the Imperial Guard's role as specialized shock troops for the military, instituting expansive new funding to better equip the imperial army and plant the early foundations for the modern standing army

Fredrich I

Reign: (164-203IE)   Fredrich's reign would see the conquest of the lands of northern Liglen, fully forming the modern province and establishing relations with the tribes of Gromland, who would begin to see the empire in a religious fashion.

Willhelm I

Reign: (203-235IE)   Willhelm I's reign would see continued economic and legal reform, additional rights being given to the lower classes and the establishment of the Forzorianization programs that would begin Forzorian cultural hegemony over the empire.

Alexander II

Reign: (235-264IE)   The Reign of Alexander II would see the conquest of Southern Moldexia and the formation of the borders of the modern province, along with fully securing imperial rule over the mountains of Darklan, with the last of the mountain clans being subdued and the last of the valleys connected by the Imperial Highway

Constance II

Reign: (264-288IE)   The Reign of Constance II would be a period of stable rule and economic growth, seeing little of note.

Flavius III

Reign: (288-302IE)   The Reign of Flavius III would be like his fathers, stable and unremarkable.

Augustus II

Reign: (302-368IE)   The Reign of Augustus II, known as the Navigator, would see the reformation of the Imperial Fleet, the expansion of the Imperial Army, and the annexation of the Kingdoms of the Bir into the Empire under the Province of Birland. His Son Flavius would be married to the last queen of the Mainland Bir, Darina I, and unite the crowns of the Empire and Birland
  Augustus' reign would also see one final important mark upon the empire, it caused a cultural shift within the empire as for the first time in its history it acquired a major ethnic group that would refuse to be fully integrated into Forzoria, with the Bir even today remaining a separate if closely linked culture to the Forzorians.

Flavius IV

Reign: (368-392IE)   The Reign of Flavius IV would like many before him, stable and prosperous, instead for a few small revolts upon the islands of the island Bir, but these were easily suppressed by the Imperial Navy and Army without much worry.

Damik I and III

Reign: (392-423IE)   The Son of Flavius IV, the only notable thing about Damik or his reign is his title, Being Damik I of the Empire and Damik III of Birland.

Fredrich II

Reign: (423-472IE)   The Son of Damik I and III, Fredrich himself did little of note, but his younger brother, Flavius, known as the Golden Eagle, would launch the expedition of 5000 into the lands of Waltan and Hoxtontavia, forming the modern province of Walten and the Duchy of Hoxtontavia that would swear loyalty to the Empire.
  Notable, when the Prince Flavius returned to the Empire after his expedition, would briefly intern him for invading a neighboring region without his permission, but would soon after free him and send him back to the lands of Waltan, appointing him as the governor, making him rule the land he conquered.

Tribunius I

Reign: (472-502IE)   Tribunius I would bring about radical change to the Empire, instituting radical changes to the Imperial Diet, formalizing the constitution, instituting democratic elections to the Diet and opening the ranks of the Diet to all male citizens over the age of 21. Along with these radical reforms, Tribunius would also bring about reforms to the empire's legal system, making it far more fair and ending the noble and merchant advantage held over the common man in the legal system.

Catherina I

Reign: (502-568IE)   The Reign of Tribunius I's only child, Empress Catherina I's reign would be unstable and hectic, with many seeking to unseat her from the throne due to being a Women, but she managed to hold onto her throne due to the constant support and brutal methods of the Imperial Guard, and later the formation of the Magisterium in 525 to better assert her authority beyond the capital and keeping loyalty.
  The Most notable moment of her reign was upon the first day, when her uncle and hardcore opponent of her father's reforms, stormed the throne room with a large gathering of sympathetic nobles and men at arms, moving to unseat her from the throne and place himself on it. Instead, the Lord General of the Imperial Guard and 10 members of the Empress' bodyguard formed a physical wall between the attempted rebels and the Empress, who sat upon her throne.   According to eyewitness testimony be members of the Imperial Court in attendance that day, along with palace servants and some members of the Imperial Guard report a tense standoff, with only a few sentences exchanged between the two parties, before the conspirators were cut down by the guard, with Prince Narbe himself killed by the Lord General with a flintlock Pistol, one of the first to enter the service of the Imperial Military

Willhelm II

Reign: (568-598IE)   The Reign of Willhelm II would be stable and prosperous after the chaos of his mother

Flavius V

Reign: (598-639IE)   The Reign of Flavius V would be similar to that of his Father

Damik II and IV

Reign: (639-694IE)   The Reign of Damik II and IV would see the First Great War, where the Forzorian Empire clashed with the Tekederian Empire, a clashing of giants and seen by many as the final triumph of Forzoria over its old master, with the lands of Gallia coming under the control of the Empire and under the administration of the Province of Gallia.

Cartinian I

Reign: (694-724IE)   The Reign of Cartinian saw the end of the Forzorianization programs, being seen as barbaric and evil by the Forzorian populace.

Fredrich VI

Reign: (724-774IE)   The Reign of Fredrich VI was stable and peaceful, seeing no major events to write about.

Tribunius II

Reign: (774-802)   The Reign of Tribunius II would follow the precedent left by his Father, stable and uninteresting.

Constance III

Reign: (802-816IE)   The Reign of Constance III was to the public, that of a distant emperor more interested in parteis then ruling, leaving the Imperial Diet to administer the realm as they could legally do so.
  But in Private he was a corrupt, debauch, and dark emperor, he was cruel to his wife and children, and would rule only for 14 years until his death. Constance would on his final day, command his Lord General of his Imperial Guard to execute his then 14-year-old son Flavius for he saw his son as a threat to his rule, the Lord General refused the order and instead beat Constance to death before launching a purge of the palace and imperial political society of Constance's underlings and supporters.

Flavius VII

Reign: (816-)   The current emperor, nothing will be written until he is passed, and his reign has ended.