Welcome to a World of Story and Adventure


  This is about collecting stories that can be shared. The easiest way to think about it is as a place to record data for campaigning and be able to reference that data for later story construction or campaign usage.   To begin, create a D&D Beyond account (its free) and since you are already here, you've gotten your World Anvil link.   Have a read through the World History, familiarize oneself with the lore and to some degree, the current political state of Enlil. Once that's done, create a character using this data or the Beyond SRD data. Develop a backstory and as we are utilizing SRD, feel free to suggest backgrounds, feats, traits, and spells not currently found. This DOES however mean that we will be working to create said thing... who knows, maybe its something totally unknown... maybe its everyday... maybe its legendary... Lets find out... together!


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