Aaeromanthia Character in The World of Eularia | World Anvil
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Aaeromanthia (a.k.a. The Undying Breeze)

Aaeromanthia, also known as the Undying Breeze, is a lesser deity in the Eularian pantheon. She was the first of the First Four Lesser Deities created by Meekel and was gifted the portfolio of Air and its corresponding plane of existence. Aaeromanthia is known for granting the spark of life to the Airkin, but she was later called upon by Meekel to create the Celestkin, also known as the Watchers of the Watchers, a decision that somewhat distanced her from her siblings.   During the tumultuous events of the Primordial War, Aaeromanthia brought forth the Aerokin as her personal guard and protectors. She is known for her calm and collected demeanor, but during the war, she let loose her deepest aggressions and became the lead general in the army against the Primordials. Some believe that it was her leadership that led to her being one of the saving graces in the Abhorrent Tumult, and that without her, Asmodeus and his cohorts would have easily vanquished their opposition.   In art, Aaeromanthia is often depicted as a translucent woman who appears to be gliding on the winds. She is difficult to see clearly or in focus, as if she is constantly in motion, reflecting her association with air and movement. Some say that she is a deity of neutrality, and that she is just as likely to help or hinder those who seek her favor. Aaeromanthia is a mysterious figure, not much is known of her or her actions during the war, but it is believed that her influence and powers are still felt today in the world.

Divine Domains

  • Air
  • Protection


The "Divine Wind": This is a small, intricately crafted figurine of Aaeromanthia made of pure silver. It is said to have the power to conjure strong gusts of wind at the wielder's command, and is often sought after by sailors and travelers.   The "Skyfall Amulet": This amulet is made of a shimmering blue crystal, and is said to grant the wearer the ability to fly or glide through the air. It is rumored to have been created by Aaeromanthia herself, and is highly prized by aerial creatures such as griffins and dragons.   The "Airborne Crown": This golden crown is adorned with a series of wing-like protuberances, and is said to grant the wearer the power of flight. It is believed to have been created by Aaeromanthia as a gift to one of her most devoted followers, and is now sought after by those who wish to soar through the skies.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Aaeromanthia's holy sigil is a stylized depiction of a gust of wind, swirling and swirling in an endless dance. The sigil is often depicted in shades of blue and white, and it is revered by Aaeromanthia's followers as a representation of her connection to the element of air and her role as the patron deity of the Airkin and Celestkin. In religious ceremonies, the sigil is often invoked as a way of calling upon Aaeromanthia's aid or protection. Despite her reputation as a deity of neutrality, Aaeromanthia is also revered as a deity of motion and change, and her sigil is sometimes associated with these aspects of her portfolio as well.  

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect and honor the natural balance of the world, and do not seek to disturb it unnecessarily.
  • Seek knowledge and understanding of the world and its forces, and use this knowledge to benefit others. Use the power of the wind and air to bring about positive change, but do not abuse it for personal gain or to cause harm.
  • Help those in need, and offer comfort and support to those who are struggling or in distress.


The Day of the Undying Breeze: This holiday is celebrated on the first day of Greentime, and is a time for followers of Aaeromanthia to give thanks for the renewal of life and the return of warm winds. On this day, followers often make offerings of incense or fresh flowers to the deity, and hold ceremonies in which they pray for her blessings.   The Festival of the Celestkin: This holiday is held once a year, and is a time for followers of Aaeromanthia to honor the Celestkin race, which is believed to have been created by the deity. During the festival, Celestkin communities come together to celebrate their heritage and pay tribute to Aaeromanthia.   The Day of the Watchers: This holiday is held on the first day of Colden, and is a time for followers of Aaeromanthia to honor the Watchers of the Watchers, who are believed to have been created by the deity to keep watch over the realms of Eularia. On this day, followers often hold ceremonies in which they give thanks for the protection of the Watchers, and pray for their continued guidance.
Also Known As:
  • The Undying Breeze
  • The Winged One
  • The Fallen
  • The Unfallen
Divine Classification
Divine Lesser Deity
Current Location

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