Sempre Leggero Character in The World of Eularia | World Anvil
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Sempre Leggero

Sempre Leggero (a.k.a. The Dreamer)

Sempre Leggero, also known as The Dreamer, was more of a muse than a creator, often coaxing the other Greater Deities than ThannahT in their journey to create. While ThannahT's goals were shrouded in mystery, Sempre's were driven by a desire to see how far they could push themselves as beings. It was only after the various species were created that Sempre fell in love with the world and its inhabitants.   Legend has it that Sempre was the one who brought the idea of the Fissure of Divinity to Meekel, Cinder, and Gailish.   Sempre Leggero has a small number of followers and is believed to have died in the Abhorrent Tumult. Those who do follow The Dreamer believe in change and hope and often strive to improve the lives of those around them.   Sempre is often depicted as a slender man with long black hair, bronze skin, and a boisterous yet encouraging demeanor. His portfolio includes ambition, change, hope, inspiration, luck, nobility, retribution, and sleep.

Divine Domains

  • Ambition
  • Change
  • Nobility
  • Conquest
  • Hope
  • Luck
  • Retribution
  • Sleep


The Dreamcatcher: This artifact is said to be a delicate and intricate web of woven materials that is said to have the ability to capture and hold onto the dreams of those who sleep near it. It is rumored to have been created by Sempre Leggero himself, and is said to be able to channel his divine power. Some say that the Dreamcatcher has the power to bring about positive change in the world, and that it can be used to capture and hold onto the hopes and dreams of those who sleep near it. It is said that the Dreamcatcher is hidden in a secret place, and that only those who are pure of heart and have a deep love for dreams can find it.   The Inspiration Stone: This artifact is said to be a small and unassuming rock that is said to have the ability to spark creativity and inspiration in those who hold it. It is rumored to have been created by Sempre Leggero himself, and is said to be able to channel his divine power. Some say that the Inspiration Stone has the power to bring about positive change in the world, and that it can be used to spark new ideas and innovations. It is said that the Inspiration Stone is hidden in a secret place, and that only those who are pure of heart and have a deep love for creativity can find it.   The Book of Hopeful Dreams: This artifact is said to be a small, leather-bound book imbued with Sempre Leggero's power. It is rumored to contain a collection of inspiring and uplifting dreams and ideas, as well as teachings on how to bring about positive change in the world. Some say that the Book of Hopeful Dreams has the ability to grant its wielder great ambition and drive, and that it can help them achieve their goals and bring about positive change in the world. It is said that the Book of Hopeful Dreams is hidden in a secret place, and that only those who are pure of heart and have a deep love for hope can find it.

Holy Books & Codes

The Bedtime Story: This holy book is revered by the followers of Sempre Leggero as a source of wisdom and guidance on matters of sleep and dreaming. It is said to contain teachings on how to interpret and understand dreams, as well as stories of great dreams and their meanings. Followers of Sempre Leggero often turn to The Bedtime Book for guidance and insight, and see it as a sacred text that contains the wisdom of their deity.   The Inspiration Chronicles: This holy book is revered by the followers of Sempre Leggero as a source of wisdom and guidance on matters of creativity and innovation. It is said to contain teachings on how to tap into one's own creativity and bring about positive change, as well as stories of great innovators and their achievements. Followers of Sempre Leggero often turn to The Inspiration Chronicles for inspiration and guidance in their own creative pursuits, and see it as a sacred text that contains the wisdom of their deity.   The Codex of Betterment: This holy book is revered by the followers of Sempre Leggero as a source of wisdom and guidance on matters of change and progress. It is said to contain teachings on how to embrace and bring about positive change, as well as stories of great moments of change in history. Followers of Sempre Leggero often turn to The Codex of Betterment for guidance and inspiration in their own efforts to bring about change and progress, and see it as a sacred text that contains the wisdom of their deity.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sempre Leggero's holy sigil is a delicate, dreamlike image of a pair of wings set against a backdrop of swirling clouds. The wings are encircled by a halo of light, symbolizing Sempre's connection to the realm of dreams and his role as a muse to the other Greater Deities. The sigil is often depicted in soft, ethereal colors, such as pale blue and silver, and it is revered by Sempre's followers as a representation of his inspiration and guidance. In religious ceremonies, the sigil is often invoked as a way of calling upon Sempre's aid or protection. Despite his association with the realm of dreams, Sempre is also revered as a deity of change and hope, and his sigil is sometimes associated with these aspects of his portfolio as well.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace change and progress: Followers of Sempre Leggero believe that change is a natural and necessary part of life, and that it is their duty to embrace and bring about positive change in the world. They see the pursuit of progress and innovation as important virtues, and believe that by embracing change, they can bring about a brighter and better future.
  • Seek inspiration and creativity: Followers of Sempre Leggero believe that creativity and innovation are important tools for bringing about positive change in the world, and that it is their duty to seek out and embrace these things. They see the pursuit of new ideas and the exploration of their own creativity as important virtues, and believe that by doing so, they can bring about a brighter and better future.
  • Honor sleep and dreaming: Followers of Sempre Leggero believe that sleep and dreaming are sacred and important parts of life, and that it is their duty to honor and respect these things. They see sleep and dreaming as sources of inspiration and guidance, and believe that by embracing them, they can bring about a brighter and better future.


The Day of Inspiration: This holiday is a day of celebration for the followers of Sempre Leggero, and is meant to honor their deity's power to inspire and bring about positive change. On this day, followers of Sempre Leggero often engage in creative activities and projects, and seek out new and innovative ideas. They also often hold feasts in Sempre's honor, and make offerings of food and treasure to him.   The Night of Dreams: This holiday is a time of great significance for the followers of Sempre Leggero, as they believe that dreaming is a sacred and important part of their faith. On this night, followers of Sempre Leggero often hold rituals and make offerings to their deity in order to honor him and seek guidance from their dreams. Some followers of Sempre Leggero also believe that the Night of Dreams has the power to bring about positive change in the world, and will use the holiday as an opportunity to make their dreams a reality.   The Festival of Change: This holiday is a day of celebration for the followers of Sempre Leggero, and is meant to honor their deity's power to bring about positive change in the world. On this day, followers of Sempre Leggero often engage in activities and projects that aim to bring about change and progress, and seek out new and innovative ideas. They also often hold feasts in Sempre's honor, and make offerings of food and treasure to him. Some followers of Sempre Leggero also believe that the Festival of Change has the power to bring about good luck and serendipity, and will use the holiday as an opportunity to embrace change and take on new challenges.
Also Known As:
  • The Dreamer
  • Dreamer of Dreams
Neutral Good
Current Location

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