Shaxix Character in The World of Eularia | World Anvil
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Shaxix (a.k.a. Carver of Souls)

Shaxix, the Carver of Souls, is a powerful and feared Archdevil known for her love of violence and bloodshed. As the ruler of the third layer of the Hells, Shaxix revels in the chaos and destruction that war brings, taunting the Abyssal demons for a chance to engage in an all-out war. Her beliefs align with the principles of Chaotic Evil, and she holds closely to Asmodeus's original beliefs before the structure of the Hells was implemented. She believes that only the ruthless should rule, and is not concerned with contracts or agreements.   Shaxix's physical form is that of a terrifying and monstrous being. Her body is covered in thick, corded muscle, her jagged horns caked with sinew. Her eyes are said to glow with an intense, bloodthirsty light, and her sharp claws are often coated with the blood of her enemies. She wields a gigantic greataxe called Dealbreaker, which is said to have a ghostly glow made up of the souls of contracts she has forced other devils to break.   In battle, Shaxix is a formidable opponent, known for her relentless and savage fighting style. She strikes down her foes with brutal efficiency, and her Dealbreaker's ghostly blade can reap a great number of souls in a single swing. Those who dare to oppose her or stand in her way may find themselves on the receiving end of her wrath. Despite her chaotic and bloodthirsty nature, Shaxix is respected and revered by those who share her belief that only the strongest should rule and that violence is the only way to achieve power.


The Blade of Shadows: A powerful weapon said to have been crafted by Salnocoth herself, this sword is said to be able to slice through the very fabric of reality, creating rifts in space and time. It is said that the sword is able to pierce through any kind of protection, even magical ones. The sword is also said to be able to move at will, as if it is alive. It is said to be hidden somewhere within the shadows of the Nine Hells, waiting for a worthy wielder to come and claim it.   The Shadow Cloak: This cloak is said to have been made from the skin of a demon that dared to cross Salnocoth. It is said to be able to make the wearer invisible and intangible, allowing them to move through the shadows and pass through solid objects. The cloak is also said to protect the wearer from any kind of light, even sunlight. It is said that the cloak has a mind of its own and it has been known to disappear and reappear at will, depending on its user's needs.   The Shadowy Tome: This ancient book is said to contain all of Salnocoth's knowledge and secrets of the shadows, including spells, incantations and rituals that allow the user to manipulate darkness and shadow magic. The tome is said to have been crafted from the bones of a powerful demon, imbued with dark magic and bound in the skin of a Shadow Lord. It is said that the book can only be read by those who are deemed worthy by Salnocoth herself.   Dealbreaker: A massive greataxe created by Shaxix, it is said to be made from the souls of contract broken by the archdevil, and those who wield it are believed to be able to break any contract or deal. The weapon is said to be incredibly heavy and difficult to wield, but in the hands of the right wielder, it can become an unstoppable force. It is also said to glow with a ghostly light that drains the strength of those it cuts.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Blood and Ashes: This ancient tome is said to contain the secrets of Shaxix's brutal methods for carving the souls of her enemies. It is said to be written in the blood of the souls that Shaxix has claimed and is said to contain forbidden rituals to appease her as well as methods of harnessing the power of the souls she has taken.   The Unbroken Will: This is a collection of stories and parables that extol the virtues of determination, ferocity, and fearlessness, which Shaxix's followers believe are necessary to survive in the Hells. It is said that many of the stories within the book are accounts of Shaxix's own battles against her enemies and serves as a reminder that the Carver of Souls will always triumph in the end.   The Contracts of Shaxix: This is a collection of scrolls that contain all of the contracts that Shaxix has made with her followers. it was said that anyone who breaks the contract made with the Carver of Souls will be carved. This text is said to be written in an ancient language, and it is said that those who are able to decipher it will gain great insight into the mind of Shaxix and the methods she uses to maintain control over her followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil of Shaxix, the Carver of Souls, is a fierce and intimidating depiction of the Archdevil's power and violence. At the center of the sigil is an image of Dealbreaker, the ghostly greataxe wielded by Shaxix, surrounded by a border of dripping blood. The jagged horns and glowing eyes of Shaxix are incorporated into the design of the greataxe, further emphasizing the Archdevil's vicious and bloodthirsty nature. The overall design of the sigil is meant to inspire fear and respect in those who see it, reminding all who look upon it of the power and ruthlessness of Shaxix, the Carver of Souls.

Tenets of Faith

  • "The Ruthless Reign Supreme": Followers of Shaxix believe that strength and ruthlessness are the keys to power and success. They view compassion and mercy as weaknesses and strive to eliminate them from their own hearts.
  • "Embrace the Chaos": Followers of Shaxix believe in embracing the chaos and destruction of war as a means to achieve their goals. They view all conflict as an opportunity for personal and collective growth.
  • "Break the Contracts": Followers of Shaxix believe in breaking any agreements and contracts that stand in the way of their own ambition and power, even if it meant turning on those who had previously been allies. They follow the example of their demon lord, who uses Dealbreaker, the soul-consuming weapon, to force others to break their deals.


The Feast of Souls: This holiday is celebrated annually by followers of Shaxix, the Carver of Souls. On this day, they make offerings of souls to the Archdevil, usually in the form of sacrifices or contracts made to her. This ritual is said to appease Shaxix and earn her favor for the coming year.   The Shadow Hunt: Followers of Salnocoth, the Lady of Shadows, participate in a ritual in which they hunt for souls that have escaped into the shadows. The souls are then bound to the followers of Salnocoth, as a form of worship.   The Bloodletting: This is a ritual celebrated by the followers of Shaxix, the Carver of Souls. It involves the drawing of blood from oneself or others as an offering to the Archdevil. It is believed that the more blood that is offered, the greater the favor that will be granted by Shaxix. This is considered a very important ritual among the cultists of Shaxix and is often performed before any major endeavors or actions, for a successful outcome.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Location

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