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Ancestries of the World

Ancestries of the World

    The world is predominantly Human. However many other ancestries do exist. Half-Giants roam the world, along side Repsins, or Reptilefolk, Seafolk, and Dimas, or Mammalfolk. Each ancestry represents a different culture, and different view at life. However these are not binding.  


Humans populate the everyday folk of this world. They are varied, and wonderful. This ancestry is thought to have been the first to populate this world, paving the path for the rest of the ancestries to come.  

Longleg Tribe

Longleg Tribespeople are human-like beings that have long legs. 

Longarm Tribe

Longarm Tribespeople are human-like beings that have long arms.

Longneck Tribe

Longneck Tribespeople are human-like beings that have long necks.

Three-Eyed Tribe

Three-Eyed Tribespeople are human-like beings that have an extra eye on their forehead.   


Giants are like humans, except that they are 15 times the size of most average humans. Giants around the world vary, and were said to be the first to protect the humans of the world. Giants are known to be from the Jotunheim, a distant hidden island of warriors.  


Born of one giant parent, and one parent of another ancestry, these folk tend to be on the stronger side, and walk between the line of giant, and not. While they are usually respected for their strength, they aren't known for much else.  


Repsins are Reptilefolk. These ancestries actually aren't as close to each other as they may seem. Each of these ancestries are similar to a reptile in nature.  


Said to have once been humans, but were cursed to live as snakes, Orobians live somewhere between their scared forms, which are close to human, with some snake-like features, to full bodied snake people.  


The basic Galapagan, or a Shellback Galapagan, are either turtles or tortoise-like repsin. There is also Seaback Galapagan, which are sea turtles, and Bigback Galapagan, which are giant tortoises. This ancestry is thought to have originally been a tortoise, but through the influence of humans, became bipedal.  


The Tripkee are frog people that have a very honor bound caste system. Depending on the color of your birth, you are assigned to a different task. The first Grippli were have thought to have leaped over oceans to arrive at their home island in the Calm belt, in which they became intelligent, and created their metropolis.  


Zardias are reclusive and rare, but are prized for their strength, and ability to take orders. They are strongly based in a lawful society, and strive to uphold their honor.  
These ancestries are considered as Reptilefolk, and are called Repsins collectively.
  How to play a Repsin Orobians are Nagaji, using any heritage, Tripkee are Tripkee , using any heritage, Tortle are Lizardfolks with the Beastkin heritage, and Zardias are either Lizardfolks or Kobold.  


  The Seafolk are all folk that live in the sea itself. Besides that, they have little actually connection to each other.


Fishfolk, Fishman, or Tritons, hail from Fishfolk Island, beneath the Red Line. Each of these folks are much alike sea creature in the ocean itself! They were thought to be less than human out of fear, but have since become more integrated with society. One Fishfolk is said to be as strong as five humans. They were said to have been created by the sea gods of old, but were freed by the humans of their old chains.


Like the mermaids and mermen of folklore, their upper half is that of a human while the lower half is that of a fish or other undersea creature. Much like Fishfolk, Merfolk's body half take after the creatures of the sea. They also can sometimes break this rule, and retain fish features across their entire body. In addition they are quite different depending on where you find them! They were have thought to once have been allies to Fishfolk, and freed themselves of the sea gods chains.
These ancestries are considered Seafolk, and are called such collectively.
  How to play a Seafolk Functionally, they are Azarketi or Merfolk, using any of their Heritages.  


Dimas are all folk that have mammal like features. Each of these are different, but can be traced back to the island of Dima in the New World. The Dimas were thought to be the pets of humans brought to intelligence by accident. These peoples can be any mammal, and usually gain features similar to those creatures. Here are a few of examples of them:  


Ganeshans are elephantfolk, and are known to be very intelligent, wise, and peaceful. They hum or chant in sonorous tones and move slowly or sit in perfect stillness. If provoked to action, Ganeshans are true terrors—bellowing with rage, trumpeting and flapping their ears. Their serene wisdom, fierce loyalty, and unwavering conviction are tremendous assets to their allies.  


Noble, fierce, and prideful, are three words that perfectly describe the Leonin people. They are lionfolk that strive to be powerful, and take great pride in their power, and hertiage. Few mess with the power that a Leonin demands, as such they have come to be respected.  


Catfolk are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the world’s wonders. Ultimate travelers, the inquisitive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their innate nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered, no treasures or legends lost. Catfolk have become known as part of society, and are normal in most places.  
These ancestries are considered as Mammalfolk, and are called Dimas collectively.
  Information on Dimas Dimas are all the same species, however different they may look. Other peoples see Dimas as different people, but most, if not all, Dimas see each other as a collective family.   How to play a Dima Functionally, they can be any ancestry, as long as that ancestry is mammalian, or can become take the Beastkin Heritage.  

Sky Islanders

Sky Islanders are a hidden race, living among the sky on islands made of clouds. Many of them are just like humans, but just as many others have wings upon their backs, that help them to glide, if ever so slightly. How to play a Sky Islander Functionally, they are Strix, using any of their Heritages.  


  Dwarves were said to have come from an island in the New World, and their existence beyond fairy tales is said to be in debate, but many have claimed they have seen these tiny creatures. How to play a Dwarf Functionally, they are Sprite, using any of their Heritages.


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