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Artemis Covenden

Name: Artemis Covenden
Debut: Session 3
Affiliations: Soaring Pirates,
Occupations: Pirate Zoologist/Naturalist
GOAT the Ram
Ram Knight, Wendigo (Formerly)
Blood Type:
14,050,000 Quel   Summary
Artemis is a lesbian human woman from Eden's Gorge, and is a member of the Covenden clan. She was a Illivak, a royal knight, of Eden's Gorge, and gained the title of Head Illivak by gaining the power of the Goat-Goat fruit, Model: Ram. She joined the Soaring Pirates after sailing with them for a couple of weeks, and has become the zoologist/naturalist of the Soaring Pirates. During the three and a half year timeskip, she trained under Luna Cuapa to master her Zoan fruit, and learn haki. She has since shown that she has gained the title of "Ram Knight," by awakening her devil fruit.   Appearance
Artemis is a young woman of average height with bronze skin, wavy red hair down to her back, round hazel eyes, and a slim muscular build. Both of her ears are pierced with two holes on each ear. There are brown markings surrounding both of her eyes and on the sides of her cheeks. In her half form, she develops large, tan, curly horns and her legs turn into ram legs with red and peach hair and gray cloven hooves. In her full ram form, she looks exactly like a ram with all the same physical features she normally has. In her awakened form, aspects of her clothes become white instead of blue, and she developed a white hagoromo sash. Additionally, she sports the ram head from her full form, though most of her looks more like her half form.   Personality
A person of some kind   Relationships
A person of some kind

Ben - Artemis feels like Ben is her older brother. She appreciates the qualities that the two of them share, such as their temper, and their insomnia.
Leon Fang - Artemis sees Leon as the cool uncle, or eldest brother figure in her live. She feels the need for his approval.
Tempest Covenden - Artemis wants to hear more about how Tempest can talk to larger animals. Artemis accredits the fact that she's made it this far to her.
Jacques Fellenger - Artemis never got to live a life outside of her island, or being a pirate, and Jacques is the person who fills in the gaps for her. She sees him almost as a father figure.
Shiva Khara - Artemis considers Shiva one of her best friends, and grew closer to her through the large parties that are thrown by the Soaring Pirates. Artemis thinks Shiva will be her friend for life.
Gar Ridley - Artemis feels like Gar is the second-in-charge of the crew as she thinks he's more level headed than Leon. But she knows Gar is a prankster as well, and she appreciates that.
Dante Pangolin - Artemis loves Dante's ambition, and regrets treating him like a "weird cat." However, she also feels like he's too irrational.
Luna Cuapa - Artemis appreciates what Luna has done for her, both in her combat ability, and her mentality.   Enemies
Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch - Artemis hates Blackbeard for what he put Shiva through.
Big Obi - Artemis finds the God's Fruits to be stains on the natural world, and as such despises Big Obi due to his commissioning of them.
Rotting Man - Artemis finds the God's Fruits to be stains on the natural world, and as such despises the Rotting Man due to his commissioning of them.
Artemis' Father - Artemis' father was the driving force in her life, and the reason she tried so hard to gain the Goat-Goat fruit, Model: Ram.   Others
Abilities and Powers
Devil Fruit Artemis ate the Yagi Yagi no Mi, model Ram, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to transform into a hybrid and full version of a ram at will. Upon transforming, the user acquires various traits such as horns, cloven hooves, goat legs and a tail. As with all Zoans, the user's transformation results in their physical attributes being significantly enhanced to newfound heights. Awakening Artemis has also achieved Devil Fruit Awakening, letting her assume a new, much more powerful hybrid form, which greatly enhances her physical strength, speed, as well as granting her a healing factor. Unlike most Awakened Zoans, Artemis' personality was not overtaken by the animal nature of the Devil Fruit. She calls this power the "Ram Knight," although it is unclear as to why.
Six Powers After being trained, Artemis learned how to use one of the Six Powers, six abilities that utilize the body's maximum potential to commit superhuman feats. As of now, she has access to Moon Walk, which allows her to thrust her legs so powerfully and abruptly that she can jump even in midair.
Haki Artemis can use both Color of Arms and Color of Observation.     History
Artemis grew up in the city of Eden on Eden’s Grove. Her mother passed away from childbirth, and she was raised by her father, and her clan, the Covenden. From a young age she was trained to be a member of the Illivak, the royal guard and hunters. Her father, Sirius Covenden held the title of the Vakar, meaning the leader of the guard, and had high hopes for her. He wanted her to eventually take his position, as well as his Devil Fruit, and because of that put her into a nonstop training regimen.   This all ended when he passed away, passing his role, and power, to another woman within the guard.   She trained them, but gave Artemis a particularly hard time because of who her father was. She regularly gave her less meals, more chores, beatings, and other abuse. As she got older, this transformed into more verbal abuse, with comparison to dirt and nothingness. Through her teenage years, she became depressed, and thought of herself as nothing, a waste of space. Then that woman passed away.   On Eden’s Gorge the Vakar eats a bone white cloud looking devil fruit, that grows upon a large tree atop the highest mountain on the land. Each time a new Vakar is to be appointed, all the current Illivak head through the “Trials”; a series of terrifying tribulations that must be bested, on the way to the fruit. The Lead Elder in her city was in charge of plan these trials, to make sure they went according to tradition. However, he was bribed off by the wave pirates, who said if he gave them the fruit, they would protect the island. He rigged the trials so his grandson would win. He put missions that only one of his clan could surpass, so that even if he rigged it, it would seem like a Trial still happened.   When the day came, Artemis, using her ability to speak to animals, convinced the abnormally large animals of her island, to help her. This was fully allowed for her people to do, in fact all of them had done it in the past. The Elder's oversight, because of the stereotypical weakness of the Covenden clan, caused Artemis to overcome the Trials put forth by the Elder, and gained the power of the Ram-Ram Fruit. She returned to the city to parties in her honor, but when the Elder heard of what happened, he sentenced her to execution, in which she questioned. They argued, and he let slip that he had been paid off by the Wave Pirates, however only she had heard it.   Ultimately, she ran.   She was accused of cheating, and in her mind, she did. Once she escaped her island, she was chased by the Wave Pirates, who knew that if she was killed, the fruit would reappear on Eden, and they would gain it. After a year Artemis found a rare material known as Ram's Bark, on an island in the Calm Belt. With this, she could power up, and gained more transformations.   After discovering this, she met with the Soaring Pirates, fought to free Eden, joined the Soaring Pirates, fought and defeated Henry Every using her Wendigo form, attacked Marine Base G3, helped a mass breakout from the Undercell, fought in the Bronze War, was trained by Luna "Blazing Flame" Cuapa, and defeated a Pacifista using only one attack.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 31st
Bright, open brownish gold eyes
Auburn, upper back length, tied into a puffy ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned skin, covered in darker tattoo spots
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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