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Dante Pangolin

Name: Dante Pangolin
Debut: Session 28
Affiliations: Fang Pirates, Soaring Pirates (Alliance)
Occupations: Pirate Captain, Pirate Cat (Formerly)
Alias: Fang
Epithet: The Fanged
Blood Type: A
Bounty: 15,000,001 Quel   Summary
A person of some kind   Appearance
A person of some kind   Personality
A person of some kind   Relationships
A person of some kind

Who?   Enemies
Who?   Family
Who?   Others
Who?   Abilities and Powers
Haki Dante can use Color of Arms, Color of Observation and the Color of the Supreme King.
Weapons Dante wields the Infiltrator's Accessory, a rare-grade rapier. He also possesses the Tidal Fishhook, whichde allows him to teleport between small bodies of water, and the Deck of illusions, which is a deck of 34 cards that allows the wielder to summon and use a illusory creature. 
Skills Dante can juggle, and is an exceptional card magician.   History
Fang, the crew pet and a once lowly boat-cat began his journey after an unfortunate encounter with 5g, the cat grew in both size and intelligence. After completing his transformation Fang became the infamous pirate Dante-Pangolin. After escaping his once home, Dante commandeered a ship of the Shi pirates, and began his galavanting.   This Galavanting didn’t last long however, as he crashed into the first island he happened to stumble across. This island, fraught with dangers, posed no threat to the anthropomorphic cat due to his incredible… Well, luck. Simply put, his immense luck allowed him to survive the treacherous island until he encountered the corpse of man. A man with a giant tophat. As his first foray into fashion, the hat became the heart and soul of the fang pirates.   After escaping the island on The Cat’s tooth (Mk 2), he came across his first encounter with the marines, which unfortunately marked the end of the Cat’s tooth (Mk 2) after shattering to splinters on the side of the marine vessel. The marines, not recognizing Dante as fang, and being enamored with his massive tophat, decided to allow Dante to go around claiming to be the ship's captain, officially granting Dante the position of captain of the Fang Pirates, and the commandeering of his third vessel, The Cat’s tooth (Mk 3).   Which also didn’t last long, as the ship was soon boarded and taken over by the Magical Pirates ™ (placeholder) © all rights reserved, which soon welcomed Danted as their new honorable captain, and granted him the right to rename the ship The Cat’s Claw. The change in name reflected a change in character for Dante, as he learned the many ways of the Magical Pirates ™ (placeholder) © all rights reserved. Which once again didn’t last long, as the ship Capsized Due to the actual captain pulling a sea monster out of his hat in an effort to impress the ineffable Dante Pangolin.   After floating around on the Magical Pirates ™ (placeholder) © all rights reserved emergency vessel, The Cat’s tooth (Mk 4). Once again lost at sea, and with only barrels of mead to accompany him after he lost his crew twice, depression overcame Dante, and he developed a severe alcohol problem. After drifting along in a drunken stupor, starved and out of energy, his will almost lost, he remembered the faint days of before he was Dante, and the jolly crew of the soaring pirates…   Dante, sat up, pointedly “Zat’s it! I need only assemble a new crew! A crew of famed and daring pirates, zat would protect my position as captain!” With renewed vigor and purpose, Dante set off once again in his quest to find his crew (by that I mean he stood on the bow, effectively changing nothing in his course).   After many years, and after wrecking The Cat’s tooth (Mk 27) on the beach, he eventually landed on the island of Mazago, and went to the best place on the grand line to recruit new crewmates, the bar of hell.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
South Blue
Green cat eyes
Mane like orange hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orange fur
4'0" (6'0" with hat)
Aligned Organization


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