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Dimas is a summer jungle island, it is extremely hot, humid, and often very rainy. It is the home and namesake of the Mammalfolk race known as the Dima. Most importantly about it, it exists on the back of a giant version of a North Blue turtle, with this specific species known as a "Bubbleback Turtle." The turtle, known as Zorraia, tends to stay in the New World, but can venture into other seas. This island is broken up into several zones, them being: The Royal Court of Dimas, or Royal City; the Covered Jungle; the Shell Shards; and the Maw of the Leopard.   Little is known about Zorraia, other than the fact that it is somewhat receptive to the wishes of the people of Dimas, and that it regularly submerges at the approach of ships.   Royal City Royal City is a massive city built into the grassy dirt on the back of Zorraia's back. It is a four tier city, with houses built on the ground, as well as on three different heights up the thousands of massive jungle trees. The houses here are build of the strong Ironwood trees that grow here. In fact, this island is one of the few islands with native Ironwood. Most houses here are very open air, with few of them having walls. As such, the houses are covered in multi-colored blankets and patterned cloths.   Citizens tend to live on the level that is most comfortable for them. For example many rodent Dima live on the first level, as it is the darkest there, and gives them a sense of being nocturnal. Deep below this city is a Poneglyph. This Poneglyph talks on Prometheus, and how they gave land to both the "land" and the "sea". It also speaks on the "Voice of the Land," and the "Voice of All Things." The Royal City is ruled by "The Royal Council". They are a group of five Dima, four of which are appointed, one is chosen by the previous member. The four that are appointed are voted in by the people, while the chosen member is the "Lead Royal Knight of Dimas."   The current Lead Royal Knight is Rio Fang, a lion Dima who specializes in dual great-axe fighting. He looks almost identical to Leon Fang, however his eye colors are flipped. In fact, he is Leon's twin brother. Leon was separated from his family, and stolen away by the Killer Anchors when Zorraia took an unorthodox trip into the South Blue. Since then, Rio has been trying to find Leon, but cannot find his brother. Until now. Rio is a kind person, very prideful, but is also a very tense person when needed.   The other four members of the Royal Council include: the recently elected Astres, Lammy the goat Dima, Asoki the dog Dima, and Sparkles another cat Dima. Lammy is a goat Dima, who has blonde hair, with darker brown fur around their face, shoulders, and legs. She has purple eyes. She is very sweet, and kind, and loves to help people. Asoki is a dog Dima who has grey hair, with black mixed in. He looks like a wolf, but he is very cheery. He loves to eat, and loves to have barbeques. Sparkles is a cat Dima, who looks like a scrunkly old pirate, who has since retired.   The Covered Jungle   The Covered Jungle is the massive jungle that surrounds the Royal City. It is full of animals that have adapted to the life of spending a lot of time underwater. As such, most of the animals on this island are amphibious.   The Shell Shards   The Shell Shards are pieces of Zorraia's shell that has molted. The Dima often use this material for armor, or weapons.   The Maw of the Leopard   The Maw of the Leopard is technically within the Shell Shards, but it is rarely touched by the Dima. It is a mix of pieces of molted shell that are stuck in place, and made the shape of a mouth. Within this mouth is a destroyed Fruit Farm.
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