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Jacques Fellenger

Name: Jacques Fellenger
Debut: Session 2
Affiliations: Soaring Pirates
Occupations: Pirate Doctor, Doctor (Formerly)

Archangel, Night Doctor (Formerly) Combat Doctor (Formerly)
Blood Type:
13,005,000 Quel  


Jacques is a human man, a doctor, a sniper, and a member of the Soaring Pirates. His goals in life are to write a novel about a great adventure for list late wife, and make his captain, Ben, the greatest pirate whoever lived.


Jacques is an adult man of average height with warm ivory skin, short brown hair, round light brown eyes, and a slim build.  


A person of some kind  


A person of some kind

Who?   Enemies
Who?   Family
Who?   Others

Abilities and Powers

Haki Jacques can use Color of Observation Haki. Weapons Jacques specializes in sniping, but currently uses a Rail Gun that fires discs, which is called "Doctor's Orders." It has two tracks, that is loaded with a damaging disc, and one that is loaded with a healing disc.
Named Attacks
Scalpel Shot -
Jacques Strikes against a creature. This Strike's damage type changes to slashing instead of piercing.
Shooter's Reflux - After an ally misses a ranged attack, Jacques fires a disc at their projectile, and uses Redirecting Shot. Jacques gains a +2 bonus to his d20 roll. If the Strike hits, the ally gains an additional damage die worth of damage.
Bounce Back - Jacques Strikes with his firearm at a solid object, and uses Ricochet Shot. This Strike gets a +2 bonus to strike, and he reloads both tracks on his Rail Gun.
Patience's Needs -
Jacques readies himself, and uses Sniper's Aim. The action increases to a +4 bonus. If this Strike hits he deals an additional damage die of damage.
Combo Attacks


Jacques was born in Medibay, and was exceptionally uninteresting as a child. He didn’t like other kids, as they bullied him for his glasses, and while he didn’t have anything particular against his parents, they just didn't pay much attention to him. As he grew up, the bullying died out, but he still remained friendless. When he was 13, his Mulgrave Fellenger, Jacques' father, died in a robbery of the store he owned. His mother took up the task of managing the store after that. When that happened, his Aria Fellenger began to work closer to Jacques, and the two of them bonded more over their loss.   After graduating secondary school, he went to live his life at Seahorse Island’s capital, Westor. There he met a woman named Marigold, and they quickly fell in love. They bonded over their distance from other people, and their general dorkiness. As they got closer, Jacques discovered that she wanted to explore the world, and see all it had to offer. Marigold was a writer who wanted to document the whole world, and everything within it. By the time the pair turned 20, they were married. Sadly, just as quickly as the relationship began, it fell apart.   Marigold came down with a terminal illness. Jacques approached every doctor of the South Blue, and went to every hospital he could find.   Nothing.   Jacques found nothing for his wife, and Marigold's condition was just getting worse.   Eventually, he began treating her with his limited knowledge. Because of this he began learning medicine. However, this was all for not, as Marigold passed away after being with Jacques for 6 years. Jacques was devastated. Every time he looked at their home, their belongings, or anything on Seahorse Island he remembered her.   So he went back to Medibay. There he pondered taking his own life on the cliff sides of Medibay. He felt the sea breeze, and the brine splattering against him. He swayed in it's gentle gale, moving slightly each time it whipped across him. But as he stood watching the waves crash against the rocks, he heard a deathly screech. A young girl had fallen on one off the cliff tops, landing on an outcropping over the ocean. Her body bloodied, and twisted in terrifying ways. Quickly, Jacques sprung into action, repelling down the cliff, and bringing the girl back up. He rushed her to his home, and treated her. Her family thanked him by offering him a monetary award, but he did not accept it; he couldn't. But still, they began singing his praises across town, and soon he was swarmed with patients. They insisted he take their money, and with the amount of work he was doing, he eventually accepted, opening a clinic in the town.   Since then, he helped to lead a rebellion against Captain "Bone-Knight" Aaron, joined the Soaring Pirates, attacked Marine Base G3, helped a mass breakout from the Undercell, fought in the Bronze War, and assisted the Sad Mask during the attack of Gonlend.

Jacques is a human man, a doctor, a sniper, and a member of the Soaring Pirates. His goals in life are to write a novel about a great adventure for list late wife, and make his captain, Ben, the greatest pirate whoever lived.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
November 30th
Medibay, Gonlend, South Blue
Soft brown eyes
Short brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skin
Aligned Organization


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