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Shiva Khara

Name: Shiva Khara
Debut: Session 18
Affiliations: Soaring Pirates, Shi Armada (Formerly)
Occupations: Pirate Engineer, Engineer (Formerly)
Epithet: Daughter of Shi
Blood Type: A+
Bounty: 12,500,000   Summary
Shiva is a bisexual transgender woman. She was born in Landatis City, but raised on Armaden 2, the second of the Shi Armada's floating nation-ships. While she never joined the Shi Armada, she was good friend with it's members, particularly Ace Delak. Shiva is an engineer, a shipwright, and a craftswoman, and is a member of the Soaring Pirates.   Appearance
Shiva is a young woman of relative above average height with pink skin, wavy orange hair down to her back, round yellow eyes, and a slim muscular build. She normally wears black circular glasses with red-tinted lens and sports black lipstick. She has a scar on her nose that touches her right cheek, and an x-shaped scar on her forehead.   Personality
Shiva is kind, sweet, and loving woman. She is quite socially anxious, but has recently learned to use her confidence to mask it.   Relationships
A person of some kind

Artemis Covenden - Artemis became good friends with Shiva over their shared time on the ship together.
Gar Ridley - Gar was the first person to take a chance on Shiva in 4 years, and as such Shiva considers Gar the reason her life finally continued.
Ace Delak - Shiva considers Ace to be her best friend, as they were raised together. Both came out as genderqueer around the same time, which Shiva credits to Ace's acceptance before she came out publically.
Soaring Pirates Shiva considers all the members of the Soaring Pirates her good friends, and trusts them with her life.   Enemies
Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch - Shiva possesses a strong hatred towards Blackbeard, both for his involvement in the Bronze War, his involvement in the Battle of Gonlend.
The World Government - Shiva hates the World Government, and their treatment of Seafolk.   Family
Anika Khara - Shiva's mother is Anika Khara, and the members of the Shi Armada are her adopted family.   Others
  Abilities and Powers
Fishfolk Special Arts Shiva has access to several Fishfolk Special Arts, which allow her to bend or control water. The Sea's Voice Shiva is a being known as "The Sea's Voice." This power lets Shiva speak to, and command Sea Kings, however she is still learning to control it.   History
Shiva Khara grew up and was born in Landatis City, however she only spent some of her time her. Instead she stayed on the Ship-Islands of the Shi Armada. Her mother, Anika Khara, made and designed the Ship-Islands, and was the head Shipwright of the Shi Armada. Because of this, the two of them traveled across all four blues, and Paradise often. Shiva trained under her mother, learning her craft, but had more of a fascination with Engineering.   At around five years old, Shiva came out to her mother and the rest of the Shi Armada as transgender, to which she was immediately accepted.   From an early age, Shiva experienced hate across the places she would go, which quickly showed her how easily people could turn on her.   She mentored under her mother, until she couldn't learn anything more. At sixteen years old, Shiva was dropped off at Ingen Aria, with Anika telling her that she could learn more from this island, and to leave and move on when she was ready. Shiva joined the Maker's Guild, who were scared of her, but impressed by her skill. They decided to try to take advantage of the free labor she could provide, as well as her abnormal strength. She knew this was happening, but tried to make the best of it, and she studied under anyone she could.   At twenty years old, the Maker's Guild learned of Shiva's heritage, and swiftly removed her from the Maker's Guild. From then onwards, the hostility towards her increases, and while she found no work, an old couple gave her leftovers whenever they could spare.   Shiva lived like this, in an abandoned old workshop, for four years, until she had a run in with the Soaring Pirates. They gave her the courage to speak up towards the leader of the Maker's Guild, and joined the pirate group. Since then, she has built an amazing Ironwood ship known as Casia's Requiem, fought in the Bronze War, and assisted the Shi Armada during the attack of Gonlend.
Date of Birth
September 9th
Landatis City, Grand Line
Black with darker yellow splotchy eyes
Mid black length orange wavy hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple skin, with face striations like an eel
Aligned Organization


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