BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The World of Fools

The World

This world comprises almost entirely of ocean, with a large red rock formation that stretches all around the world. Islands break up the endless sea. Each island is relatively different from the last. Islands in the Grand Line have themes to them determined by what “season” of island they are. There are winter, spring, summer, and autumn/fall islands there.  

The Blue Sea

The North Blue

The northernmost ocean of the Blue Sea. Is said to produce the strongest warriors.

The East Blue

The easternmost ocean of the Blue Sea. Is said to be the calmest of the blues.

The West Blue

The westernmost ocean of the Blue Sea. Is said to have the most dangerous underworld, and by extension, the highest number of Marines.

The South Blue

The southernmost ocean of the Blue Sea. Is known to have the strongest technological advancements.  

The Calm Belts

The Calm Belts are two areas of ocean that border the north and south of the Grand Line. The Calm belts are very effective barriers for those trying to enter the Grand Line; these areas are always completely calm, never having any ocean currents or winds blowing, making it impossible for non-self propelled ships to travel through. They are also nesting grounds for the world's largest Sea Kings.  

The Grand Line

  The Grand Line is an ocean route approximately located around the entire equator of the world, south of the North and East Blues and north of the South and West Blues. It is separated from the Blues on both the north and south ends by the Calm Belt. The Grand Line is split into two sections by the Red Line: the first section is known as Paradise and the second is known as the New World. Reputed as the "pirate's graveyard," the sea and the islands possess a vast number of unpredictable phenomena that are not seen anywhere else in the world, many of which make sailing extremely difficult. Navigation in this part of the world is difficult, as each island gives off a magnetic energy. This makes compasses useless. Instead, you need a Log Pose to get from island to island.


  The first half of the Grand Line is known as Paradise. It’s name comes from people who have returned from the second half, claiming that the first half is like a paradise in comparison. It lies between East Blue and South Blue.

The New World

The second half of the Grand Line is known as the New World. Its name comes from it being “a whole new world of adventure” compared to the first half. It lies between North Blue and West Blue.  

The Ocean Blue

The world is vast, and one history cannot contain all the amazing cultures, islands, people, and governments that live in it’s waters.  

Concepts of the World


The Calendar

The Calendar in the world of Fools is the same as our calendar, with the same months, days, and some of the same holidays. There is also a Lunar calendar that follows the same rate as Lunar calendars in our times.  

Solar Holidays

January 1st - New Years Day
February 14th - Valentine's Day
May 19th - World Day
October 31st - Halloween
December 31st - Christmas Day
Each year has 365 days, with roughly 52 weeks, that each have seven days in them, with each day having 24 hours in them. Each of these have the same names as the current Gregorian calendar. However, there isn't a concept of a "work week" people simply work when they can.  


Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum are still accepted at most venues, but Quel, paper and coined money made by the World Government, is the dominant source of money. 1 Quel equals one silver piece (So 1 Quel = 1 Silver, 10 Quel = 1 Gold, and 100 Quel = 1 Platinum).  

Sexuality and Gender

All people are respected with their own gender or sexual orientation. There may be outliers that don't respect these things, but they are few and far between.  


Unless otherwise stated, everyone speaks the "Gaian" or as it's known in religion, "Language of All Things", however, many places have their own dialects, or even their own language. For example, Giants have their own language, however it is only used ritualistically.


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