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Story Recap - Cemetery Battle

The Interrogation of the Goblins from Swallowtail Festival Assault
  • Their leader was on a secret mission to the town's graveyard—that much most goblins can say, but none of them know what that mission was. It was secret, after all!
  • Belor Hemlock was researching a concern about Naffer Vosk (Graveyard Caretaker) by Father Abstalar Zantus (Visuma should remember her conversation from the Rusty Dragon Inn ). He’s been missing for a day.
  • Belor is now convinced the Swallowtail Festival Battle Synopsis and Discussion was a diversion to get to the cemetery for something, but what? He quickly sends messengers to get the remaining town guards into the cemetery to widen the search for Naffer Vosk (Graveyard Caretaker).

Summoned to the Cemetery
  • The unnamed heroes are rudely awakened by a guard pounding on their door. He's in a panic yelling that they must help or the town will be overrun with undead.
  • Visuma indicates she's to sick to come along. She remains behind with Kek in the stables.
  • They are surprised to be taken around the cathedral, where they see a makeshift tent erected at the entrance of the cemetery. A glowing is seen behind the tent, but Saban indicates its some sort of divine protection wall.
  • There is blood all over and some guards are actually missing limbs and fingers. It’s like a scene from M.A.S.H. Wounded scream out:  
    The dead are walking!!!
    I saw them crawl out of the ground!!!
    They started eating my friends!!!

  • Father Abstalar Zantus and Belor Hemlock ask the unnamed heroes to enter the cemetery and find out what is going on inside. Father Zantus pulls forth a box and give them the two scrolls and four potions and a talisman to activate to leave the barrier.
  1. Scroll of Restoration - Saban cured Gorin after he was drained by Casp Avertin.
  2. Potion Lesser Restoration (2) Gorin and Tharuzall are carrying
  3. Potion Protection from Evil (1 1) - Gorin is carrying and Tharuzall used his
  4. Scroll Remove Curse - Saban cured Pandereos from Stone of Weight

Old Cathedral Ruins
  • Encountered Zombies (are raised town guard)
  • Encountered Skeletons (are raised town guard) in Naffer Vasks shack

The Cemetery (Describe the cemetery map) using below:
  WESTERN SARCOPHAGUS - KAIJITSUS (GLASSMAKERS) The sarcophagus is decorated with carvings of angels, archons, azata, sphinx, and demons. The sarcophagus is bound with iron bands, which are now loose. The lid has cracked in places. There is writing etched on the sarcophagus showing is “Cao Hoe Kaijitsu”. (Written in Tian … Shialu identified it)   MAUSOLEUM SURROUNDED BY FENCING - SCARNETTIS (LOGGERS) The mausoleum entrance has a large metal door. Sparks of blue arcane energy can be seen shimmering across the door when the lightning strikes from the storm. There are engraved symbols next to the door with writing above it “We are one in this endeavor. Place them here.” With symbols reflecting a Ship, Glass, and Stein. A tiny alcove lies below these symbols. (Written in Chelaxian … Mordecai and Pandereos identified it)   MAUSOLEUM TO THE EAST - DEVERINS (FARMERS AND BREWERS) A large marble building. Statues of angels stand on the roof above the entrance, their axes crossed. Several have been vandalized. An iron gate lies open to the entrance into the mausoleum. There is writing etched on the sarcophagus showing is “Casp Avertin Deverin refer to Late Unpleasantness ”. (Written in Chelaxian … Mordecai and Pandereos identified it). Inside is a sarcophagus with strange elvish runes on it, there is a chest next to it that is partially open.   VALDEMAR SARCOPHAGUS (SHIPBUILDERS) This alien‐looking sarcophagus is surrounded by a ring of six perfectly‐preserved humanoid corpses. The corpses each have a fist‐sized hole in the back of their heads and their cranial cavities are empty. There is writing etched on the sarcophagus showing is “Antoinette Valdemar”. (Written in Varisian)  
The Rings from families
  • Deverin (Brewer) - from Casp Alvertin (Cairn Wight) and Amos & Fenchus Deverin (Wights)
  • Kaijitsu (Glassmaker) - from Cae Hoe Kaijitsu (Undead Necromancer) and Honor Guard (JuJu Zombies)
  • Valdemar (Shipbuilder) - from Antoinette (Zuvembie) and Honor Guards (Karrnathi Skeletons)
  • Scarnetti - Locked Mausoleum & small hole with runes showing a Stein, Glass, and Ship

The unnamed heroes boarded themselves in the Deverin Mausoleum and were able to sleep for 8 hours. With the protective dome, its tough to tell the time outside, but it's most likely sometime in the late morning per calculations.

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