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Battle of the Fallen Ground

It was raining hard, harder than it had in awhile. I stood there on the battlements of Critwall, overlooking the scene before me; thousands of warriors with shields raised taking volley after volley from our crossbowmen. What dent we made always seemed to multiply their ranks, as forces unnumbered approached the walls from beyond the deluge. "I've not seen a single catapult shot hit our walls yet" I thought to myself, "Surely they cannot tear them down by hand." That is when I saw it. At first I wasn't quite sure if my eyes were deceiving me, but after wiping the rain from my face with a gloved hand, I saw them as if it were clear as day. Thousands of little winged creatures diving from above, streaking towards the battlements. I had only enough time to grab my shield before they were upon us. Clawing at our torsos and faces, the little buggers had us surrounded from every angle. I only managed to spear one before two more were upon me, tugging at my armor. One managed to pull my head back, giving the other an opportunity to sink his hooked nails into my throat. The two flew away, leaving me to choke to death on my own blood. As I fell down on all fours, I took one last look into the inner city. I knew not how, but the enemy was pouring in through the nearest gatehouse. As I hit the ground, my blood pooling with the rain, my last thought was of my daughter, whom I told would be safe. "Heironeous protect her..."

The Conflict


An army of mixed humanoids and demons appeared on the northern border of Critwall without warning, slaughtering and looting everything in their path. The Shield Lands did not have enough warning to call for aid.


  • The forces of Iuz deployed flying demons and an impressive infantry force.
  • The forces of Critwall deployed archers and infantry along their walls


Part of the battle took place on the battlements, but the majority took place in the streets. Barricades were placed in many locations along major and minor streets, making travel in the city nigh impossible


The weather was rainy for most of the siege, decreasing visibility for ranged units, and making the city streets particularly slippery.

The Engagement

The infantry approached the city walls cautiously in a shield wall, using poor visibility to their advantage. This allowed swarms of demons to assault gatehouses throughout the city, opening the gates for the infantry to pour into the city. Barricades were made in the streets to stem the tide of assailants, but the city was mostly lost. In a vain attempt to stop their approach to the High Citadel, Shield Land mages attempted to collapse sewers and mines under the city, which diminished Iuz's forces, but not enough. With another aerial assault, the army broke into the fortress and forced a surrender, executing Her Most Honorable Ladyship, Countess Katarina of Walworth.


  • The Holy Realm of the Shield Lands falls.
  • Refugees are either taken as slaves, or escape by boat to the Realm of Greyhawk and Furyondy.
  • Countess Katarina of Walworth is executed by an unknown general wearing a black helmet.
  • The land surrounding Critwall is ruined due to the mine collapse.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1st of Needfeast, 598
Ending Date
6th of Needfeast, 598
Conflict Result
The forces of Iuz are victorious with some losses.


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