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Orcish Empire of the Pomarj

The Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, or just Pomarj, is ruled by orcs and other "monsterous" races. The landscape is varied, having dry plains, thick forests, and its most notable feature, the Drachensgrab Mountains.


The empire is ruled by those who are the strongest. Any who are weaker are subservient to better clan leaders. This creates a constant power struggle that is hard to keep track of.


Silver, Electrum, Gold, Gems, Ports


The Pomarj was initially a stretch of land with little value, lived on only by nomadic tribes of Flan humans. That was until the dwarves of Ulek began to take interest in the area. They convinced the King Tavish I of Keoland that the rocky terrain was home to plentiful resources ripe for the taking. In 295 CY, Both King Tavish and the prince of Ulek led their forces into the Pomarj and swept the area and subjugated the region. The area was then divided into several fiefdoms granted to important family members of both the king and the price. Eventually, after a century and a half, when the power of Keoland was waning, the barons of the Pomarj declared themselves independent and broke ties with their parent country, creating a power vacuum, with several barons vying for control of the area. It wasn't more than a few decades later that war broke out between the dwarves of Ulek and elves of Celene and and the orcs and goblins that were living in the Drachensgrab Mountains. This was the beginning of what would be known as the Hateful Wars. The dwarves of Ulek pleaded for the baronies of the Pomarj to intervene, but were too interested in petty skirmishes between themselves to bother with what seemed to them to be a war between "non-humans". The orcish and goblin tribes were eventually repelled, and instead began to raid inwards, looting and destroying the human baronies. The first battle was at Highport in 513 CY, where the orcs quickly descended onto the city and razed it to the ground, killing most who lived there. This continued until the last battle at Stoneheim, which led to a two month siege, which led in the surrender of the humans in the city once they were low on resources. The orcs enslaved the majority of those living in the city and drove out the rest of the barons in the weeks to come. With the humans defeated, the orc and goblin tribes fought amongst each other until a war leader by the name of Turrosh Mak; an orc with the might of a giant, and the charisma of a bard, united them under the banner of an empire. He now leads his forces in the hopes of overcoming the dwarves of Ulek and the elves of Celene.

Demography and Population

Population: 476,000 - Orc 43%, Human 28%, Goblin 15%, Hobgoblin, 10%, Halfling 3%, Other 1%.


The military of the Pomarj is primarily warriors from surrounding orcish tribes, which is largely disorganized.

Foreign Relations

Allies - Scarlet Brotherhood (rumored but not proven) // Enemies - Greyhawk, Ulek states, Keoland, Celene (taking no offensive action), Duchy of Urnst, Onnwal, Irongate

Agriculture & Industry

The orcs of the Pomarj get their materials from taxing or raiding human settlements in the area, or otherwise through slave labor.
Founding Date
513 CY
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Government System
Economic System
Various official and unofficial currencies
Controlled Territories

Articles under Orcish Empire of the Pomarj

Character flag image: by Anna Meyer


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