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The Forest of Teeth

General Summary

Setting foot in Zalgend proper, the Grey Outcasts wandered about the village, familliarizing themselves with the locale.  Upon further inspection, the party realized that they had arrived just the day before Brewfest, and were in for a week of celebrations to go along with their quest.  Before making merry, the group of them hunted down Amara Dale, who was living in a rather barren house on the edge of the inner village.  She was elated that the party had come to help and told them everything that she knew.  Her daughter went missing months ago after going out to look for herbs.  An old orc ranger found a locket that she was given as a child on the very edge of the Forest of Teeth and she hadn't been seen since.  After promising to return with her daughter, the party left the town to find this ranger and ask him more about Nina, Amara's daugher, as well as to ask about the Forest of Teeth.  They found him right on the edge of the forest, watching it unwaveringly.  He told them that he had never been far in, and spoke mostly in riddles about its dangers.  With enough probing, he told the Grey Outcasts that the Forest had a mind of its own and turned beasts that entered into deadly monstrosities.  After learning everything they could from the ranger, the party made their way back to Zalgend to participate in the festivities.  Towards the end of the week, the party noticed that something was off about Martin.  He looked visibly shaken and had a new mechanical arm.  When asked about it, he simply told the party that they wouldn't believe him.  With enough convincing, Martin told the party that he had met an alternate version of himself that took him on an adventure through space, where they fought clowns on a flying ship.  Suffice to say the party did not believe him.  With Martin's wacky story out of the way, the party made their way into the forest  It was apparent from their first footfalls that this forest was alien, completely unlike the outside world and uncanny in every way.  It did not take them long to find the forest's mutated denizens, as in the first day, they were attacked by a group of warped squirrels, with fangs and claws.  During the night they were beset by a mutated deer that had razor sharp fangs and a jaw that unhinged.  After a few days of travel they finally reached a peaceful clearing that was home to an old cabin.  Before they could reach it, however, they were attacked by a great beheamoth; an amalgamation of several deer, formed into a hulking bipedal monstrosity.  The battle was swift, but bloody for both sides, though the Grey Outcasts came out on top.  Inspecting the clearing more closely, they found a magical blue flower, which seemed responsible for the pristine nature around the cabin.  With a search through S.A.M.'s databanks, it was determined that the flower was a Cerulean Miracle, an almost extinct plant with incredible magical properties.  After picking the flower, the Grey Outcasts searched the cabin and found signs that both Nina and Clarimund had been there.  With that little to go on, the party trudged back into the forest, ready to face the horrors ahead, if ever they could be...


Began on the 28th of Harvester, ended the 2nd of Patchwall
Report Date
11 Nov 2023


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