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The Grey Outcasts

The Grey Outcasts, formally known by how many adventurers were part of the group (i.e. "The Four" or "The Six") is an adventuring party that met over a game of cards in the Green Dragon Inn. The first four members were the original members of the party that met that one rainy afternoon. Kaizzt Kalamir is a Drow Paladin devoted to Istus and the ways of fate who through his noble actions obtained a Jarldom in the Kingdom of the Fruztii. Martin Arraway, a human Artificer/Wizard is devoted to arcane study and discovering the secrets his father left behind. Silvan Montoya, a Tiefling Rogue runs his own tavern named Hell's Outcasts which he manages under the persona "Satanael".  Dreamstroke (Dream) Crimsonfall, an elf Warlock/Rogue is devoted to raising his son Alavara that he adopted after killing his slaver in the dead of night. Two other adventurers have joined them since they first met. Naelen, a Firbolg cleric who drunkenly sings praises to his mighty sea god Procan, owns his own sailing ship, which both serves as transport for the party on long journeys, and a small temple that he can bring to any port. Clarimund Wy, an aasimar Ranger, along with her faithful mastiff, Luka, are the most recent additions to the party, who are together searching for the source of the voice that guides Clarimund. The group is currently level 8, hopefully with many adventures ahead of them.
Adventuring Party


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