The O'Axacan Species in The World of Inspyra | World Anvil
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The O'Axacan

The O'Axacan are beasts of bright vibrant colors that can bend and travel through trees and wood. They came from the Fey Wild and live in most Fey Forests seeking and feeding off the curiosity and feelings of those traveling through the forests. They range from small bird-looking creatures to large dragons flying in the sky. They may look like cute wooden figures but really they cause nothing but bad luck and in many cases death to those unlucky to cross their path. So remember if you're ever find yourself in a Fey Forest keep happy thoughts and a happy heart!   They bounce from tree to tree looking for thoughts and feelings. When they finally catch prey they lure them in with their bright colors and patterns causing a sense of euphoria to wash over the prey. That is when they can start sucking the emotions out of their victims. If the victim does not break the hold the O'Axacan will eventually suck all emotions out leaving nothing but an emotionless shell.     *these are inspired by the wood sculpture Oxacan from Mexico.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

They do not have an assigned gender at birth rather they reproduce when two they feed off the lust of other creatures. They reproduce by feeding off lustful thoughts or witnessing the matings of others. Gestation depends on where the lust comes from.

Growth Rate & Stages

Their growth rate differs but usually slow and steady very similar to the trees they are so closely related to.

Ecology and Habitats

Surrounded by Fey Magic they live in the heart of every fey forest, although some do get powerful enough to venture out of the forest.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dietary Needs - A O'Axacan feeds on the emotions or feelings of other living creatures, preferably sentient ones. They do get territorial over a food source, but that itself is a safety machinist. If they eat too much they and the source can go mad, which is not good for both parties.

Biological Cycle

Effectively they have a cycle of a tree. They start small and as they eat and grow they become strong and sturdy but alas when they start to get old they breakdown piece by piece until they ultimately fall to the ground and decompose.

Additional Information


Very hard to domesticate these creatures unless you are a Fey creature.

Average Intelligence

Sentient but intelligence is what they resemble.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Morph in and out of trees or wood. Often if they come across a dying tree they will try to revive it. Through the trees they can feel and see what is going around in the forest.
Scientific Name
Oxacious Lumbero
Fey Wild
500 years
Conservation Status
Although the number of these creatures are not known they do not seem to be in danger. Although an O'Axcan that has feasted on evil thoughts/heart are killed on sight as they could destroy or corrupt a whole village.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Bright colors and detailed markings (colors varies)

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