Custom Divine (Clerical) Spellcasting Rituals

Daily Spellcasting

  Clerics must pray and prepare their divine rituals (spells) each day. These morning prayers result in the cleric being granted various spell powers for that day. The number of spells granted is based on the cleric's level adjusted for wisdom.   The time required for morning rituals is as follows:
Max Spell Level Time Required
Level 1-2 15 minutes
Level 3-4 30 minutes
Level 5-6 60 minutes
Level 7 Two Hours
This is not cumulative. A cleric that is praying for 20 spells up to level 5 would simply take 60 minutes to pray for their spells.   Note: A clerics deity may not approve of the casting of beneficial spells/prayers on an enemy of the faith or a rival faction. Such action may be denied outright or cause problems for the cleric when attempting to pray for future spells etc.  

Custom Rituals:

  Clerics may research their religious history, experiment with new divine rituals and create custom prayers to attempt to create new and potentially powerful spells. This will be something that uses the rules noted in the game master's guide as well as through roleplaying as part of an ongoing adventure.    Any new ritual/spell creation completed by a cleric will require a holy place, worshipers as well as some sort of sacrifice to the divine to complete. 

Ritual Conversion:

  Throughout their adventures, a cleric may sacrifice a prepared spell in favor of casting a healing or harm spell (Cure light wounds, cause light wounds) according to the following rules:   Good clerics may sacrifice a prepared spell for a healing spell of equal level but never for a harm spell   Evil clerics may sacrifice a prepared spell for a harm spell of equal level but never for a healing spell   Neutral clerics may sacrifice a prepared spell for a healing or harm spell at one level lower. i.e. sacrifice a level 2 spell for a level one healing or harm spell.   This also applies to Paladins who gain cleric spells at higher levels.  

Clerical Domain Specialization:

  Clerics who are single classed may select a clerical domain at level 6 further customizing their affinity for their god and religion. Multi-classed clerics may not do this unless specifically allowed by the game master.   A full list of available clerical domains is available here: The Clerical Domains of the Koth Pantheon   The domains supported by each god/religion can be found on the articles describing each deity.


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