The History of the Realms

The History of the Realms as documented by the Sages of Anur.

Before Starfall

... 0 BSF

The gods arrived on the world of Koth ten thousand years before the Starfall event that corrupted the world. The land was primitive and chaotic and the gods brought with them order and serenity.

  • Founding of Kothyr
    The Founding of the City Kothyr
    Construction beginning/end

    The first human city of Kothyr was founded by the gods in the year 8000 BS (Before Starfall). It took nearly three generations of humans to finish the city which was filled with wonders as all the gods lived among men and brought with them many mysteries.

  • -7802 BSF

    Vael marries Jos and founds Elfhaven

    Vael organizes the Elves into a nation of learning, culture and enlightenment with the help of Jos a charismatic elven leader. As a reward Jos is elevated to godhood as Vael's wife and together they found Elfhaven the center of the elven kingdom.

  • -7741 BSF

    The Elves in Elfhaven Discover Blood Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    The elves in Elfhaven studying arcane mysteries with Jos discover Blood Magic.  Vael and Jos quickly outlaw this practice in favor of arcane power and divine ritual.

  • -7522 BSF

    Digging Begins at Silver Mountain
    Construction beginning/end

    A group of small elf like creatures move out from their forests and begin digging into a large mountain for gemstones and shiny metals. These creatures would later be called gnomes and go on to carve out a vast empire under the mountain and deep within the earth.

    Additional timelines
  • -6652 BSF

    The Elven Nation Expands Beyond the Green Oak Forest
    Military action

    The elven nation goes through a period of military expansion and pushes beyond the borders of the Green Oak forest. They move as far north as the The White Mountains and as far south as the Southern wastes. They displace many demi-human and humanoid tribes as they do so. For the next twelve generations (6000 years), the elven nation is the largest and most prosperous on Koth.

  • -6000 BSF

    23 Skocanth

    The Northern Foundations

    The gods help their followers move north into harsh but resource rich terrain and lay the foundation for several cities. These are to be replicas of Kothyr to honor the gods and ensure quality of life for their followers.

  • -5000 BSF

    Northern Cities Rise
    Construction beginning/end

    Three northern cities: Kithyr, Skithyr and Athyr are completed creating a new area of science, study and exploration. While these cities remain small and conditions for life continue to be difficult, those devoted to the gods in the Northlands flourish.

  • -4422 BSF

    21 Kicanth

    The Northern Schism
    Political event

    Several factions in the newly founded northern cities defy civil leadership and abandon their settlements. They feel that their destiny is to be closer to nature and that the gods with their cities and knowledge corrupt them. Many are killed as they flee by zealots devoted to the pantheon of Koth but enough survive to eventually establish themselves as the northern barbarian tribes.

  • -2234 BSF

    -1 BSF

    Beginning of the Great Absence
    Era beginning/end

    An era known as the Great Absence begins. The gods spend less time among men and frequently ascend into the heavens to hold council. They leave the leaders of their churches in power to rule in their place.

    The Realms
    More reading
    The Origins of the Gods
  • -1134 BSF

    23 Kocanth

    Renaming of Kothyr to Vithyr
    Cultural event

    The First Church of Vith took power in Kothyr and renamed the city to Vithyr. A great celebration was had by all the people as Vith himself attended the re-founding. Koth did not object as the God of Justice sat in authority of the humans of the land and the vast kingdom they had created.

  • -919 BSF

    -909 BSF

    The Blood Crusade
    Military action

    Unable to contain the spread of dark magic by the Blood Herald, the elven noble houses call upon the Kingdom of Vithyr to join them in a great crusade against the elves they cast out from their kingdom and all those using the dark arts she spread throughout the realms. For ten years the elves and the forces of the Kingdom of Vithyr wipe out thousands of humanoids believed to be tainted by dark arts.

    Eventually the last of the last of the elven outcasts are believe to have been killed in the mountains north of the elven kingdom. With the enemy households destroyed the elves retreat back to Elfhaven to recover their losses. The forces of Vithyr also abandon the fight having not interest in finishing the crusade alone given that the threat to their city and surrounding lands has been dealt with.

  • -1 BSF

    The Year of Starfall
    Disaster / Destruction

    Angered by the actions of their followers, Vith holds council in Vithyr with those gods that remain in the realms. Many gods are so angry with their mortal followers they do not attend. At the end of the 'Final Divine Council' the gods decide to leave the realms and tell their followers that they are on their own. As Vith and the others ascend into the heavens one final time they call down a fiery vengeance upon the realms. Stars rain down from the heavens destroying much of what mortals had created all across the realms. Civilization ends and millions are killed. Many more are corrupted as the land and the creatures within it become twisted and mutated.   

    This event would be forever known as "Starfall".

    The Realms
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  • The Great Corruption
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Starfall event occurred when angry gods left the world and smote down their creation. Fire rained down from the heavens and corrupted the earth. The gods were never seen among mortals again.

After Starfall

0 BSF and beyond

After the Starfall Even that corrupted the land the gods left the earth. New kingdoms rose up from the corruption and the geopolitical situation in the realms changed greatly.

  • The Great Corruption
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Starfall event occurred when angry gods left the world and smote down their creation. Fire rained down from the heavens and corrupted the earth. The gods were never seen among mortals again.

  • 1 ASF

    The Aftermath
    Geological / environmental event

    In the aftermath of Starfall the survivors struggle to pick up the pieces of their civilizations and survive. 

    The sky is grey and sunlight cannot pierce the think canopy of dust and smoke as the land burns. What isn't burning is often corrupted. What isn't corrupted is fought over by survivors. Food is scarce and those once devoted to the gods in peace and harmony turn on each other.

    The Dwarves of the Crag retreat into their mountain stronghold which survived the cataclysm and close their borders. The elves of Elfhaven struggle to recover after half of the Green Oak forest is burned to the ground. The city of Elfhaven survives but much the elves are surrounded by enemies on all sides.

    The city of Vithyr is completely destroyed as are the cities in the northlands. Survivors are scattered trying to find food and shelter. 

    In the lowlands of Anur, the cities founded by the god of knowledge are also damaged but some structures remain and offer shelter to the people who still live.

    The Realms
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