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Grogan Grimpate

Grogan Grimpate

Grogan grew up in Korval, a small village on the trade route between Daron and the larger city of Hargoth.

From a young age, Grogan yearned to live free, and for him, that was a life on the sea. As a young man, he signed on to several merchant vessels and rose through the ranks to be a seasons, able-bodied sailor. He excelled at coordination of the crew and duties.

During his last voyage, his ship was attacked by minotaur pirates. After the pirates took the bounty of the ship, they set the crew into the water and sunk the ship.

For a day and a half, Grogan was in the water till he was rescued, which was a lot better than most of his fellow shipmates. From that moment on, Grogan refused to sail. He moved to Palanthas where he took on work at the docks, and eventually worked his way up to Harbormaster.

Grogan is the Harbormaster in Palanthas. He is stern, but fair, just looking to make sure that the harbor and docks run as efficiently as possible.

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"Move along, move along"
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