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Kiara Nashtal

Kiara Nashtal (a.k.a. Dreams)

Kiara was orphaned as a young girl during the War of the Lance. She watched her parents die at the hands of a Draconian from her hiding spot; she doesn't know what became of her baby sister, Lianna. This is also when her dreams began, randomly gripping her sleeping mind. Some dreams are dominated by the dark, some by the light; all leave her more tired than when she lay down. Dark dreams were more common.


Kiara maintains an abiding hatred of Draconians and all things Draconic. She met a Kender named Derwin, who experienced his own losses, in the wreckage of her village. Kiara had no place to stay and nowhere to go. Derwin knew of Palanththas and together they made their way to the city where she was taken in by Eddard Goodsman and his wife Dorothy.


Though raised in the servants quarters of the Goodsman’s Palanthus estate, they doted on her as the daughter they never had. She grew up as a child of two worlds, playing in the alleys with the children of the lower classes and also learning to play Khas in Eddard’s study. She remained close with Derwin, who often entertained the local children. She also grew close with Peyton Wheatbringer; the Wheatbringer’s often did business with the Goodsman family. Light dreams begin to outnumber the dark.


Strange things occasionally happen around her when she is possessed of strong emotion. Once an alley cat, struck by a horse’s hoof, got up and ran away. Another time a melon exploded, soaking a boy who had taunted her.


As she grew, she helped in Eddard’s trade business. She not only helped keep the books but also entertained clients with poetry and conversation.


A few weeks ago she met a man named Chase Pennyton who boasted he could find anyone, for a price. The next day she found herself in Eddard’s office with the accounting, but she was unable to focus. There has been no word from Chase.


As she is nearing womanhood, Eddard and Dorothy are looking for a good (and advantageous) marriage. But Kiara has been having dreams; a shining unicorn stag beset by swirling shadows. The unicorn is calling urgently.

Orphaned young girl, brought to Palanthas by fellow survivor, Derwin Brokenlock. Raised by a wealthy family. In Palanthus, she has made many friends, including Peyton and Lais. She paid a tracker to look for her lost sister.

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