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Ellen Pennyton

Ellen Pennyton is the daughter of Sir Luke Pennyton (Knight of the rose) and Lady Cassandra. Growing up, Ellen showed little interest in martal skills and instead she pursued book study.

During a trip to Tarsis she met Agathon, a black robe wizard, who saw potential in her. Tricking her, Agathon took her not only as an apprentice but also a lover. He taught Ellen just enough to be a wizard but not enough to challenge him. When her father saw she was studying magic from a black robe he forbade the relationship. She ran away with her mentor unaware he was plotting to kill her father. During the attacks on both Sir Luke's keep and the nearby caves of chaos she remained hidden.

Agathon sent Ellen to Wayreth for her test, where he expected her to fail. Her test was hash and brutal. She came within moments of death until Collins Blackwind saved her and showed her the outcome of her choices. Ellen turned from darkness and took the white robes. She returned to Pennyton Keep with Collins and helped capture Agathon. Sir Luke asked each party member what they wanted. Collins asked for Ellen's hand in marriage and she accepted. She now has her magic, a loving husband, and the respect of her parents.

However she still bears the scars of her near failure in the test. A price for her Magic…

She typically wears fashionable white robes, always with a high collar or scarf. Additionally, her robes are always adorned with a touch of black, to remind her where she came from and as a message to even the most evil black robes that the white moon welcomes all.


Personal Quotes:

  • "Pray you don't understand kender, pray hard."
  • "I been dead once you should try it death is quite liberating."
  • "You ask what I endured for my magic? You jest knight! I DIED for the magic! Now knight what have you endured?"
  • "In my darkest hour the black moon turned her face away from me and I died alone but the white moon lead me back to life."

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