WORLD CREATION of the WORLD of MAN Plot in The World of Man | World Anvil
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Our adventurers find themselves amidst a great revolution. The party consists of many races excluding humans, and begin their story being attacked by an immense force of humankind. Their future oppressors engage in a merciless onslaught upon the town in which our adventurers reside. If they are to survive, they must escape the combat with their wits or endurance(dex or con saves, whichever the player is more qualified in). If they attempt to stand their ground they will undoubtly face death. Upon meeting death's gaze, they will either be saved by a friend or find themselves captured and enslaved(d20 roll approximately dc12 but could sway based upon scenario{this would be the same roll as if they failed a save whilst escaping the assault}).   The World of Man is a fairly self-explanatory title. This is a world of which the oppressive force of humans have become an all but crushing dictatorship over the lands of Amanya Dôr, forcing even the most peaceful of races into slavery and under their dominion. Those who escaped the onslaught of the human empire have all been forced into hiding. However, some who have escaped have been lucky enough to find the essence of peace in small, secret sanctuaries scattered across the lands; as scarce as they are.   These Sanctuaries usually consist of all kinds of races, barring any human whose dares request it's safety (any of which are almost guaranteed to be executed on the spot). Despite this, some Sanctuaries are controlled by a clan that despises the other races as well, therefore creating an encampment only consisting of those who share the same blood or features (This will almost always cause a sanctuary to be immensely weaker than the ones more welcoming, but they also can be most sustained due to the lack of mouths to feed, injured persons, etc.).   Anyone found by a party of loyal humans may be captured and enslaved to serve those who have joined the slave trade, which was very recently enacted by the First Lord of Eirytoth.   Eirytoth is the Capital of the growing human empire.   Before the rise of the humans, or the GREAT REVOLUTION, humans were actually the more oppressed race, being used by evil groups of orcs, goblins, or even kobold's as slaves and/or playthings, often ending in the human hostages being killed for food or for pleasure. A torturous existence, no doubt.   On the other hand, the humans revolt was not without its terrors. For this is why the rise of the human race was not a wholley unified effort. There were some who still remained upon the route of pacifists when the GREAT REVOLUTION began. Those people resided in, at the least, the far outskirts of the Capital. Beyond that some humans resided in peace, living amongst some of their closest allied races. These allies included (at the time): the elves, the dwarfs, the gnomes, the dragonborn, to an extent the orcs (the orcs who were friendly with humans were located the closest to the capital. Nevertheless, even though most of those orcs were indeed kindhearted towards humans, there were still some in the orcish township of Ak'Katour, that were less-than friendly with the humans).   From the Sanctuaries to even the Outskirts, some rumors have spread across lands that the humans are under a grand spell that unified them in war. This is believed because seemingly every single human that resided in and directly around the capital, suddenly turned upon the rest of the world. It was almost as if a deeply-buried switch was flipped.   I'm thinking that either the equivalent to the pope of Eirytoth or the now First Lord of Eirytoth had great hatred towards the other races(yes he is literally a racist) and made a deal with a very powerful devil to lend him power in order to cast an extremely powerful cocophany of spells. He is given the power to cast a mass suggestion^19 and incite discord^22 to the humans within and around the capital. This action was used to enact the GREAT REVOLUTION. Unfortunately the humans that were unnaffected by the spells were either dragged into the uprising, or forced out or even killed in the mass rage and chaos.   {,or%20be%20affected%20by%20it.}

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