Aquafulgor Fungus

Basic Information


The Aquafulgor Fungus possesses a distinct, bioluminescent cap atop a slender stalk. The cap, capable of opening and closing in response to environmental conditions, acts as a water collection mechanism. Its bioluminescence comes from chemical reactions within the cap, illuminating the jungle floor with a soft, ethereal glow.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aquafulgor Fungus reproduces asexually through spore release. The underside of the cap contains spore-producing structures that release spores into the air when the humidity is high, and the mushroom's cap is opened. This ensures the spores are spread during or after rainfall, maximizing the chance of landing in a moist environment conducive to growth.

Growth Rate & Stages

The fungus has a rapid growth cycle, especially in conditions of high moisture. It progresses from spore to full maturity within a few weeks. Its life stages include:
  1. Spore germination: Begins in moist soil.
  2. Mycelium development: A network of fungal threads that absorb nutrients.
  3. Fruiting body formation: Visible part of the fungus, including the stalk and bioluminescent cap.

Ecology and Habitats

Aquafulgor Fungus thrives in the damp, shadowy environment provided by the Tangled Depths jungles, especially around the bases of Umbraquercus Giganteum Trees. It plays a role in the jungle's ecosystem by breaking down dead organic material, contributing to nutrient cycling.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As a decomposer, the Aquafulgor Fungus absorbs nutrients from decaying plant matter in the soil as well as waste matter released by creatures.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of Aquafulgor Fungus is closely tied to the rainy season. During heavy rainfall, it enters a water-collection phase, followed by a spore release phase as conditions dry. This cycle allows it to spread and colonize new areas rapidly.

Additional Information


Not typically domesticated, but could potentially be cultivated for its bioluminescent properties.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Its rapid growth and spread make it a candidate for ecological studies or biodegradable light matter in the jungle.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Primarily growing within the Tangled Depths jungles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The primary sensory capability of the Aquafulgor Fungus is its responsiveness to moisture levels in the environment. It can detect changes in humidity and water availability, triggering the opening or closing of its cap.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

May have symbiotic relationships with certain insects or other fungi, but no known parasitic interactions.
A few months to a year, depending on environmental conditions.
Average Height
Up to 6 inches when fully extended.
Average Physique
Delicate, with a focus on maximizing surface area for spore dispersal.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Glows with a soft, usually blue or green, light. The exact hue can vary based on specific chemical compounds within the fungus.


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