Ferrivorax Piranha

Basic Information


Ferrivorax Piranhas are streamlined for efficient swimming, with powerful, muscular bodies and a torpedo-shaped form to minimize drag in water. They possess a single dorsal fin, paired pectoral and pelvic fins, and a powerful, forked tail for sudden bursts of speed. Their jaws are strong, with several rows of sharp, serrated teeth capable of tearing flesh easily.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ferrivorax Piranhas reproduce via spawning, where females release eggs into the water, and males fertilize them externally. There is no parental care; once the eggs are fertilized, they are left to develop on their own.

Growth Rate & Stages

The species has a rapid growth rate, reaching maturity within a year. They pass through an egg stage, larval stage (fry), juvenile stage, and then adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimal environments include warm, slow-moving rivers and creeks with abundant cover and food sources. They are a keystone species in their habitat, controlling populations of other fish and even influencing the terrestrial ecosystem by their predatory pressure.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As carnivores, they primarily eat other fish, but they will also scavenge, taking insects, crustaceans, and occasionally small land animals. They hunt in schools, using a coordinated attack to overwhelm prey.

Biological Cycle

Their biology is affected by the wet and dry seasons, with spawning typically occurring at the onset of the wet season when food is abundant, and water levels are rising.


They are aggressive and opportunistic feeders, known for their feeding frenzies. Their behavior towards predators includes evasive schooling maneuvers, while their aggression is heightened towards any wounded or struggling creature.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Schooling fish with a complex hierarchy within the school, often determined by size and aggression.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While not typically domesticated or exploited due to their dangerous nature, however, they might be harvested for their teeth or scales.

Facial characteristics

Pronounced jaws with a powerful bite, and a fearsome appearance due to their teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Restricted to the Tangled Depths jungle waterways.

Average Intelligence

Basic animal instincts governed by the need to feed and reproduce.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have excellent vision, capable of detecting movement in murky waters. Lateral lines along their bodies detect vibrations and changes in water pressure, allowing them to track prey and navigate in schools.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

May have a symbiotic relationship with certain birds or other creatures that feed on the leftovers of their frenzies.
Up to 10 years in the wild.
Average Weight
Up to 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for the largest individuals.
Average Length
Up to 50 cm (20 inches) in length.
Average Physique
Robust, with a muscular build to support their aggressive lifestyle.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Typically dark with red or orange underbellies, providing camouflage from both above and below in the water.


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