Ice Trolls - Frostbiter Tribe

Description: The Ice Trolls of the Frostbiter Tribe are formidable beings, with thick, icy blue skin that serves as natural armor. Standing twice the height of an average human, they wield weapons crafted from enchanted ice that never melts. Their eyes glow with a deep, cold light, striking fear into the hearts of those who trespass on their territory.   Culture: The Frostbiter Tribe is known for its aggressive territorialism and deep reverence for the mountain spirits. They believe themselves to be the chosen guardians of the mountains' ancient secrets and will attack anyone who dares defile their sacred lands.   Habitat: They live in ice-carved fortresses within the deepest, coldest parts of the mountains, preferring regions that are perpetually covered in snow and ice.   Relationship with other inhabitants: The Ice Trolls have a longstanding feud with the Mountain Dwarves of Dorikos. Skirmishes and raids on both sides have led to a deeply ingrained mistrust, though there have been rare moments of truce when greater threats loom over the mountains.


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