The Greatgrass Plains

The Greatgrass Plains is a vast and diverse region, characterized by rolling hills, vibrant grasslands, and a mixture of lush and arid landscapes. Bordered by swamps, forests, mountains, and an ocean, it hosts a rich ecosystem with unique wildlife. The climate is temperate, with seasonal changes affecting the ecosystem and wildlife behaviors. Natural resources are abundant, supporting agriculture, crafts, and local economies. Historically, the plains have seen a mix of peaceful coexistence and conflict among its inhabitants.  

The Orc Clans of the Greatgrass Plains

  Grashnak Clan: The Grashnak Clan are known for sustainable living and craftsmanship, especially in Dino-Leather work. They are situated in the Greatgrass Plains, focusing on responsible farming and trading. Their culture values skilled craftsmanship and sustainable practices. They host biyearly tournaments, showcasing their agricultural and artisanal prowess. The clan's structure includes leaders, tanners, herd chieftains, and warriors, ensuring the protection and prosperity of their lands and traditions.   Borok Clan: The Borok Clan is known for their agricultural expertise and robust Biceritops herds. Governed by the Council of the Herd, they emphasize community, hard work, and shared prosperity. Specializing in various professions, they focus on expanding their farming and trade, aiming to become leading suppliers in their region. They have extensive farmlands and are renowned for their Dino-Leather products and strong defense forces.   Pen'gar Clan: Pen'gar is located on the edge of the Shaded Mire. This city adapts to swamp life, focusing on agriculture and trade, especially in rice and cranberries. Pen'gar maintains safety through stealthy hunters rather than a traditional militia and engages in trade with nearby races.   Sharguul Hunting Guild: The Sharguul Hunting Guild, is a diverse organization of orcs and other humanoids who are dedicated to hunting the mightiest beasts. They are spread across the Greatgrass Plains and emphasize hunting to maintain ecosystem balance. Their culture is centered on the respect for nature and the thrill of the hunt.   Gol'Kosh Clan: The Gol'Kosh Clan is a warlike group in the southern regions of the Greatgrass Plains. Known for their military strength and strong alliance with Krakzod Industrix city of Grom'garde, they focus on conquest and expansion, especially against the Stonemaw Ogre clans in the Stonemaw Mountains.   Throm'kar Astromok Clan: The Throm'kar Astromok Clan, located on the borders of the forests of Hylorea, combines orcish strength with celestial wisdom. Their culture is a unique blend of orc and Wood Elf traditions, focusing on peace, nature, and the stars.  

Non-Orc Settlements and Cultures

  Krakzod Industrix: The Krakzod Industrix primarily operates out of the city of Grom'garde in the southern part of the Greatgrass Plains. These Goblins were once slaves to the Stonemaw Ogres but were eventually freed by the Gol'Kosh Clan. Unfortunately, their focus on industrialization and magical advancements has caused extensive environmental damage to the area around their city.   Greenwave Hamlet   Stonemaw Ogres  

Unique specie in the Greatgrass Plains

  Biceratops: The massive Biceratops are notable for their multiple horns and robust builds. They come in two subspecies: a smaller, docile variety used for agriculture by the local orc clans, and a larger, formidable type used as war mounts. They play a crucial role in orcish culture, contributing to their economy through products like Dino Leather and Dino Steel.   Edmontoroo: The Edmontoroo is a vibrant, bipedal species native to the Greatgrass Plains and Shaded Mire, recognized by their strong hind limbs and bird-like snout. They are gregarious, omnivorous, and use their unique anatomy for foraging and rapid movement. While they form loose herds, Edmontoroos are not suited for domestication due to their need for extensive roaming spaces.   Gigantolion: The Gigantolion is the dominant apex predator of the Greatgrass Plains, known for its colossal size, powerful build, and predatory skills. They are solitary or form small family units, hunt large herbivores, and have a lifecycle tied to seasonal prey abundance. Not suited for domestication but their parts are highly valued for crafting Dino Leather and Dino Steel. They thrive in open plains and sparse woodlands, displaying complex social behaviors and advanced sensory capabilities.


The Greatgrass Plains is a vast expanse of rolling hills and grasslands stretching across the center of the Noctratium. This zone is bordered by the Shaded Mire swamps to the northwest and the lush forests of Hylorea to the north. The rugged Stonemaw Mountains loom over the entire southern horizon, while to the southeast lies the mysterious region known as the Crimson Cradle. The eastern boundaries are washed by the gentle waves of an expansive ocean. The terrain here is diverse, with the northern and central areas featuring lush, vibrant grasslands, while the southern parts transition into drier, more sparse landscapes. Several rivers and streams, originating from the Stonemaw Mountains, meander through the plains, providing fresh water and creating shallow lakes that dot the landscape.


The Greatgrass Plains support a rich and dynamic ecosystem, where the flora and fauna have adapted to the varying conditions of the lush north and the arid south. The region is home to unique creatures such as the towering Biceratops, the agile Edmontoroo, and the fearsome Gigantolion. These species play critical roles in the local ecology, from the Biceratops keeping the grass from becoming too overgrown, to the Gigantolion standing at the top of the food chain.

Ecosystem Cycles

The ecosystem of the Greatgrass Plains undergoes significant changes with the seasons. During the wet season, the area becomes a breeding ground for life as water is abundant, and the grasslands flourish. Animals such as the Edmontoroo migrate across the plains in large herds to graze, followed closely by predators like the Gigantolion. In contrast, the dry season sees a stark transformation, with much of the wildlife seeking refuge near water sources or migrating to cooler areas. This cyclical nature dictates the rhythms of life here, influencing mating patterns, migration routes, and hunting behaviors.

Localized Phenomena

One notable phenomenon in the Greatgrass Plains is the occurrence of "whispering winds," a unique meteorological effect where the winds passing over the grasslands create a melodic hum at certain times of the year. This sound has become a hallmark of the region, adding to its mystical allure. Additionally, the interaction between the magnetic minerals in the soil and electrical storms from the Stonemaw Mountains can lead to spectacular lightning shows, especially during the transitional seasons.


The climate of the Greatgrass Plains is generally temperate and seasonal, with warm summers and cool winters. Rainfall is more common in the northern sections, supporting the lush vegetation, while the southern areas receive less precipitation, leading to drier conditions. The weather is predominantly stable, but the region can occasionally experience extreme weather events, such as thunderstorms originating from the Stonemaw Mountains, especially during the change of seasons.

Fauna & Flora

In addition to its unique creatures, the Greatgrass Plains are home to a variety of plant life, from the tall, waving grasses that dominate the landscape to the clusters of trees and shrubs that provide necessary shade and shelter. This flora supports not only the native fauna but also the local human and orc populations. The plains are a hunting and foraging ground for the orc clans, including the Borok, Gol-Kosh, and Sharguul, as well as for the humans of Greenwave Hamlet.

Natural Resources

The Greatgrass Plains are rich in natural resources. The fertile soil of the northern plains supports abundant agriculture, particularly grains and vegetables. The southern plains, while drier, are known for their hardy herbs and medicinal plants. The surrounding mountains and forests provide wood, stone, and metals, supporting local crafts and construction. Additionally, the presence of rivers and streams offers freshwater fisheries and irrigation potential.


The plains have seen seasons of peace and prosperity, as well as times of conflict and hardship. It has been a battleground for orc clans, a migratory route for massive herds of Edmontoroo, and a place of settlement for human communities such as Greenwave Hamlet.
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species

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