The Hellscape

Origin and Creation

The Hellscape is a manifestation of a dark, twisted ritual performed centuries ago by a cabal of powerful mages and priests. Seeking to create a realm of justice for those they deemed unworthy of rebirth or redemption, these individuals used immense life essence to birth this pocket dimension. Their intention was to create a place where the morally corrupt could face the consequences of their actions.  

Nature and Structure

The Hellscape is an ethereal, ever-changing realm, bound by the collective beliefs and fears of those who inhabit it. Its landscapes are as varied as the sins and guilts it seeks to punish. From fiery pits and endless deserts to frozen wastelands and storm-ravaged oceans, the Hellscape molds itself to reflect the inner torments of its denizens.  

Governance and Inhabitants

The Sovereign of the Hellscape, Lord Malaphar, the Sovereign of the Hellscape  , reigns over The Hellscape. Assisted by his infernal daemon legions, he enforces the rules of this realm. The daemons, embodiments of Hellscape's punishing nature, are both jailers and tormentors, yet they are bound to the laws set by Malaphar.  

The Process of Redemption

In Hellscape, punishment is deeply personal and subjective. A soul's torment is based on its own beliefs about the afterlife and its misdeeds. The Hellscape doesn’t just punish; it offers a path to redemption. If a soul genuinely believes in its redemption and has undergone the trials set by Malaphar, it can leave the Hellscape and rejoin the cycle of rebirth.  

Beliefs Impacting Entry

The unique aspect of Hellscape is its reliance on belief. A soul is only drawn here if it believes in the existence of such a place and feels deserving of its punishment. Those who do not hold such beliefs bypass Hellscape entirely, continuing in the cycle of rebirth.  

Existence and Perception

Hellscape's existence is a subject of debate among scholars and theologians. Some see it as a literal place, while others interpret it as a metaphor for the soul’s journey through guilt and redemption. Its true nature remains a mystery, known only to those who have experienced its trials.  

Cultural Impact

In cultures aware of Hellscape's lore, it often serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the consequences of one’s actions beyond mortal life. In places like Thalassia, where sea-faring is a way of life, the teachings of Lord Malaphar and the fear of Hellscape influence both everyday life and the ethical frameworks of the people.