The Order of the Primeval Crescent

Within the ancient, mist-shrouded forests of Hylorea, sits the Order of the Primeval Crescent's core settlement and training academy for Blood Hunters as they master the Order of the Lycan. Born from the schism within the Order of the Transformed, the Crescent Hunters have carved a niche for themselves as mercenaries, hunting down the monstrous forces of reality that live in the shadows. Led by the venerable Archon Greymane Valtor, and guided by the wisdom of the Circle of Elders, the Order's members—Crescent Hunters—wield their transformative powers to protect the realm from supernatural threats that lurk in the shadows... as long as the price is right.   At the heart of their power lies the Crescent Hearth, a fortress-monastery that is both a sanctuary and a crucible where initiates are forged into Blood Hunters. Hidden within their stronghold by ancient runes, the Crescents train in the art of combat, both in their human forms and their fearsome transformed selves. They walk a fine line, constantly vigilant against the loss of their humanity to the beast within.   As a Crescent evolves their individual transformative state by defeating and absorbing monsters, they must also struggle to maintain their sense of self. The highest ranking among the Circle of Elders are those that have attained truly amazing, powerful transformations. Rumors tell that some may even have multiple forms. However, should a Crescent of any rank lose themselves to the monsters they seek to dominate, the Order of the Primeval Crescent may need to hunt them down as well...   In the pursuit of their sacred duty, they gather arcane knowledge, battle monsters, and seek to understand the very essence of transformation. Their goal is not just to fight the darkness but to understand it, to wield their own inner monsters as weapons against those that would threaten the natural order.


The Order of the Primeval Crescent operates under a hierarchy that emphasizes mastery and knowledge of transformational arts. The structure is led by the Archon, followed by the Circle of Elders (senior members skilled in various transformational disciplines), and further divided into ranks based on proficiency and contribution to the Order: Masters, Mentors, and Initiates.


The culture of the Order is one of reverence for the primal forces of nature and the pursuit of balance between one's humanity and the monstrous. It values strength, adaptability, and the pursuit of knowledge regarding the arcane and the realm of monsters. Members are encouraged to explore the limits of their abilities while maintaining a strong sense of self to avoid losing their humanity.

Public Agenda

The Order's public agenda is to protect the realms from supernatural threats by employing their unique abilities. They aim to master the physical aspects of the monstrous foes they defeat in order to improve themselves.


The Crescent Hearth serves as the primary asset of the Order, along with an extensive library of arcane and natural knowledge, alchemical laboratories, training grounds, and a network of informants across various lands that provide intelligence on supernatural threats.


The Order of the Primeval Crescent was founded centuries ago, born from the schism within the Order of the Transformed. This division was fueled by differing ideologies on the pursuit of transformational power, leading to the establishment of the Order of the Primeval Crescent. This branch of the Order of the Lycan resides within in the forests of Hylorea as a haven for those seeking to hunt the nightmarish creatures that hunt within the dark places of the world.


The Order claims no territory, other than their scattered settlements, but considers the forests of Hylorea and surrounding areas their protectorate.


The members themselves, skilled in combat both in humanoid and transformed states.

Technological Level

Advanced knowledge of alchemy and arcane magic.

Foreign Relations

The Order maintains secretive relations with various entities, focusing on cooperation against common supernatural threats.


The Code of the Crescent, a set of laws and guidelines governing conduct, transformational practices, and the use of power.


Members are educated in combat, alchemy, arcane arts, and the lore of monsters.


The Crescent Hearth and its associated facilities.
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Crescent Hunters or simply Crescents
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Major Imports
Rare alchemical components and arcane artifacts.
Legislative Body
The Circle of Elders
Judicial Body
The Circle of Elders, with the Archon as the final arbiter
Executive Body
Senior members assigned by the Circle of Elders


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