The Shaded Mire


Soggy ground and thick mud cover the entirety of the swamplands of The Shaded Mire. Nestled in a valley north of the Stonemaw Mountains, the rivers start high in the mountains, eventually descending into The Great Chasm to the north and falling into The Underdark deep underground. The Stonemaw Mountains in the south cast long shadows over the marshlands under their gaze.


Many creatures call The Shaded Mire home. Some friendly, some deadly. Ranging from dangerous insects to massive frogs, all lifeforms here fulfill a concrete role in the food chain.

Ecosystem Cycles

The swamp changes with each season. The melting snows from the Stonemaw Mountains swell the streams in the spring, causing occasional flooding in the lands below. Come autumn, the water recedes, leaving some shallow rivers behind.


Warm, humid days are often followed by cool nights, the air thick with mist. Rain is a frequent visitor, drumming on the broad leaves and stirring the stagnant waters.

Fauna & Flora

A variety of unique creatures and peoples make their home here:  


The Cult of the Shade makes their home in the castle ruins of their previous Dark Overlord The Mountainshadow Kobolds live high in the Stonemaw Mountains to the south, within small villages and around temples they've built to honor the Gleaming Crest Dragon Brood that they adore.   After leaving their previous home centuries ago, the Gleaming Crest Dragon Brood settled into the Stonemaw Mountains. When they arrived, they found themselves being worshipped by the local Mountainshadow Kobolds.   The bane of these swamps, the Swampfang Goblins live in the south-east areas of The Shaded Mire. Aggressive and outright hostile towards non-Goblins, they are generally disliked by the other denizens.   The Pondstrider Grung live along the central rivers of The Shaded Mire, although their homes change often due to conflicts with the Swampfang Goblins or other dangerous creatures in the swamp.   The Marshfolk Halflings live in the north areas of The Shaded Mire. They have a variety of nomadic clans skilled in cooking and herbalism.   The Orcs of the City of Pen'gar live in the far east of this region, where they attempt to live peacefully with their environment despite regular conflicts with the Swampfang Goblins.  

Unique Creatures


Natural Resources

Ore and Minerals

Raw Electrum, iron, and other ores can be found in the mountain range to the south.  

Herbs, Spices, Fruits, and Vegetables

Miremint - A vibrant green herb that grows in the murky waters, emitting a cooling aroma that can soothe fever and calm agitated minds. When brewed into tea, Miremint can render one invisible to malevolent spirits lurking in the swamp.   Bogberry Spice - Small, dark berries that grow on thorny bushes near swamp waters, known for their intense heat and flavor. Ground into a fine spice, Bogberry Spice can ignite flames in the coldest of hearts, stirring passion and courage.   Fenfennel - A luminous, bioluminescent fennel that grows in patches of soft, swampy earth, casting a soft glow around it. Its bulbs are used to enhance vision in low light and can reveal hidden paths or secrets in the swamp when consumed.   Siltroot - A sturdy root that burrows deep into the swamp's bed, absorbing nutrients from the silt. It has a rich, earthy taste and can fortify one's physical endurance, making travel through difficult terrains easier.   Gloomleaf - Dark, almost black leaves that thrive under the canopy of swamp trees, absorbing minimal sunlight. Gloomleaf can induce deep, dreamless sleep or be used in potions to navigate the realm of dreams without fear.   Whisperwillow Bark - The bark of the Whisperwillow tree, which grows near the water's edge, is known for its soft, murmuring sounds when the wind passes through. When ground into a powder, it can enhance spells of silence or secrecy.   Dusklotus - A rare lotus that blooms only as the sun sets, its petals shimmering in the twilight. Dusklotus is prized for its ability to brew potions of transition, aiding those undergoing significant life changes or transformations.   Marshmallow Root - Not to be confused with its mundane counterpart, this magical marshmallow root can heal wounds inflicted by magical creatures and protect against the swamp's natural toxins.   Tanglethorn Vine - A vine with sharp thorns that grow in tangled masses throughout the swamp. When carefully harvested and dried, the thorns can be ground into a spice that adds a kick to any dish and can ward off physical attacks when carried.   Crescentsedge - A herb with crescent-shaped leaves that glimmer with dew in the moonlight. It is known for its ability to sharpen the mind and enhance magical focus, particularly in spells related to water and moon magic.   Lanternfruit - Bioluminescent fruits that emit a soft, glowing light, able to illuminate the darkest corners of the swamp. Eating Lanternfruit can temporarily improve night vision.   Bogbeans - Magical beans that grow underwater, pulsing with a faint, blue light. When consumed, they grant the ability to breathe underwater for a short period.   Mudtubers - Starchy roots that grow deep in the mud, known for their ability to purify and detoxify the body when eaten, drawing out poisons and diseases.   Spectral Melons - Ghostly, translucent melons that can pass through solid objects. Their sweet, ethereal flesh can make one temporarily intangible, allowing passage through walls or barriers.   Fogberries - Berries that release a dense mist when crushed, found clinging to the branches of swamp trees. Consuming Fogberries can cloak one in a shroud of fog, aiding in stealth and concealment.   Will-o'-Wisp Peppers - Hot peppers that flicker with an inner flame, mimicking the swamp's will-o'-the-wisps. Eating these peppers can imbue one with a fiery energy, boosting metabolism and resistance to cold.   Shadowroot - A dark vegetable that grows in the shape of a human hand, thriving in the absence of light. Shadowroot can enhance one's shadow magic abilities or, when cooked, provide sustenance that leaves no trace for trackers.   Quicksilver Lilies - Aquatic plants with silver-coated seeds inside their pods, floating freely in swamp waters. The seeds can quicken the mind, enhancing reaction speed and thought processes.   Driftfruit - Fruits that never sink, floating on the water's surface. Their consumption can make one's body lighter, aiding in swimming or moving through marshy terrain without sinking.   Echo Nuts - Hard-shelled nuts that, when cracked, release sounds mimicking the swamp's nocturnal creatures. Eating Echo Nuts can enhance auditory senses, allowing one to decipher distant sounds and languages of the wild.   Gloomcaps - Mushrooms that thrive in the darkest parts of the swamp, their caps absorbing light rather than reflecting it. Gloomcaps can induce visions of other realms or times, used by shamans and seers.   Tidepods (not to be confused with the non-edible product) - Vegetables that swell with saltwater, bursting when ripe. Consuming Tidepods can grant hydration and salt necessary for survival in harsh conditions.   Miregrapes - Clusters of grapes that grow submerged, their skins as tough as leather. Miregrapes contain a liquid that can heal or strengthen the bond between familiars and their masters.   Blightlemons - Sour fruits that thrive in blighted areas of the swamp, their juice capable of dissolving magical barriers or enchantments when applied.   Reedcorn - Tall reeds with edible kernels that grow along their length, swaying with the swamp's breezes. Reedcorn can sustain one for days, slowly releasing energy and essential nutrients.   Wraithberries - Pale, almost invisible berries that can pass through solid objects. Consuming Wraithberries can allow one's voice or whispers to carry over long distances, unimpeded by physical obstacles.   Siltpears - Soft, gritty pears that grow half-buried in swamp silt. Eating Siltpears can grant an earthy resilience, toughening the skin against cuts and abrasions.   Nightsade - A rare plant with deep purple leaves that absorb moonlight. Nightsade can be used to brew potions that protect against nightmares and malevolent spirits.   Duskcabbage - A vegetable that blooms only as the sun sets, its leaves closing at dawn. Duskcabbage can induce a state of calm and meditation, enhancing magical focus during nocturnal rituals.   Vapormint - A herb with a vaporous, almost intangible form, found near hot springs and geysers within the swamp. Vapormint can clear respiratory pathways and enhance breathing in humid or polluted environments.


Once a dense forest, teeming with life, The Shaded Mire is now a sprawling swamp. The culprit? Mountainshadow Kobolds  miners who, in their desire to earn the affections of the Gleaming Crest Dragon Brood, dug too deeply into the Stonemaw Mountains and unleashed the fury of underground rivers. These waters rushed down the mountainside, drowning the forest and birthing a marshland, forever altering this ecosystem.

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