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The Star of Rova

The Star of Rova is a terrorist organization operating in the Inner Sea Region of Golarion.

Public Agenda

Little is known about the Star of Rova cult, but all accounts tell that the group is concerned only with the bloody and violent destruction of mortal life.


The first known attack from the Star of Rova cult was in Oppara, Taldor in Neth of 4721 AR, wherein the group murdered Grand Prince Stavian and his court in the dead of night. They infiltrated the castle by posing as houseservants and waited months until Stavian invited the entirety of the Taldan nobility to join him at his estate for a massive festivity in celebration of the country's growing fortune. An investigation by the Judges of Abadar found that not a single soul was left alive within the castle walls. It is still unknown if Stavian held the party under duress from the cult.

Since then numerous similar attacks have taken place across the Inner Sea. There is no apparent connection between the attacks, save for the destruction the cult leaves in their wake. Despite efforts from the Judges Society, there appears to be no apparent leader or other centralized power which can be identified.

Mythology & Lore

The Star of Rova takes its name and symbol from the Order of the Star, a mysterious order of demons marked by a single star on their body. Members of the Order of the Star are chosen by a divine unknown from beyond the stars, selected as heralds for destruction.

It is unknown how the Star of Rova and the Order of the Star are affiliated.

Illicit, Terrorist group

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