Aasimar bear within their souls the light of the heavens. They are descended from parents with a touch of the power of Mount Celestia, the divine realm of many lawful good deities. The parents, or distant ancestor of an Aasimar could have struck a bargin with a divine being, or perhaps their child had simply been chosen by the Gods for some purpose greater than their own. Aasimar are born to serve as champions of the gods, and their births often hailed as blessed events; although in a land suspicious of the arcane, it can also be a death sentence for a child. They are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their celestial heritage. From an early age, an aasimar receives visions and guidance from celestial entities via dreams. These dreams help shape them, granting a sense of destiny and a desire for righteousness.
Aasimar, are historically been a rare sub-type of human, although an Aasimar could be born of any race. More recently, many Tieflings Aasimar are born as champions of The Guiding Light in the Lightforged Realm of Morencia.
Aasimar are typically of medium-size and share a heritage and bond with the celestial powers or whose soul has been touched by the divine. Visually Aasimar stand out from their humanoid cousins because they literally radiate the powers of their deity. Individual appearances can vary, but most Aasimar have glowing eyes, a skin of bright colours which seems to (but doesn't) glow, and often has hair which glows as well.