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Angron - The Betrayer, God of Blood and Slaughter

Angron is the god of slaughter, violence, and war. He is hatred unrestrained, empathy denied, and mercy forgotten, an entity whose very presence incites mortals to violence. Soldiers fear succumbing to his blood lust lest they dishonor themselves, but the vengeful and forsaken call to him for the gift of his rage. He is the brother of Iroas , god of victory and valor, and his antithesis in matters of warfare. During the Cataclysm, Angron was seduced to join the Betrayer Gods, and left his brother's side. Now he seeks only to best his brother in combat and reign as the sole avatar of war among mortals.   The anger and malice radiating from Angron is almost palpable. He exercises no control over his temper or his urges and lashes out at subordinates at the slightest provocation. Many soldiers are warned that to give in to his seductive battle rage is to risk falling to the Red Thirst—becoming a bloodthirsty killer wholly consumed by Angron’s fury. Angron cuts a terrifying figure, appearing as a four-horned Satyr-demon of incredible size, clad in spiked bronze armor, great spiny wings and wielding a massive ebon greataxe. He doesn’t debase himself by appearing in other guises to mortals—to behold him is to behold the cruelty of war personified.

Angron’s Influence

Angron, like his brother, governs the sphere of warfare. But while Iroas thrives on the glory of honorable victory, Angron revels in sadism, destruction, and the utter humiliation of the vanquished. He drives warriors to acts of cruelty and malice in their pursuit of victory. Only those who have experienced the terror and violence of war truly understand the seductive nature of Angron’s power. To feel rage, to be an instrument of wrath—these emotions override the fear of battle. In hatred there is strength, and Angron revels in this fact. But mortals must beware, for the price he exacts in exchange for this strength is the sacrifice of decency, honor, and compassion. He resides in pocket plane of endless warfare in the depths of the Abyss, where he presides over a vast gladiatorial arena for the souls of the dead and damned that he's collected.


Angron is described in books and art as bloodthirsty demon, a twisted mockery of a once proud and noble god of warfare. He's most often drawn wielding Gorehowl, Axe of the underworld. His symbol is that of a doubled sided war axe with a skull in the middle, and a drop of blood.


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