The Deadlands, Blighted Lands, The Everblight, etc. The region of land to the eastern side of the Kybar's Teeth goes by many names. Regardless of what one calls it, everyone knows what one is talking about, and have either heard stories for centuries, or experienced its effects first hand.
A Desolate Place, but far from Dead
The Blighted Lands exists on the eastern side of the Kybar's Teeth Mountains, extending all the way south past the Gromril Peaks, bordered in by the Kolcari Wilds to the distant south and the sea largely uncharted seas to the east. For most people, the Blighted Lands have taken on a near mythical status as a land where many believe that quite literally nothing lives for hundreds of miles save for roaming troves of undead amidst the plundered ruins of empires now gone, bedtime stories are told to children that if they misbehave monsters from the land will come to steal them away, and that dark powers mull and reside in those evil corners. And to some extent, these are all true.
But for who are educated, have been there, or simply have felt its effects; the term "Deadlands" remains a bit of a misnomer, and the truth is far more insidious. Those few who have been there and returned will tell people that what they believe is true, there are vast tracks of simple dried, cracked, blackened and tainted earth broken only by the skeletal remains of forests, ruins, and monsters long dead. But there are also vast tracts of life. From bogs and marshes of sickly water and muck, to forests; dark, foreboding, and tainted forests. Where the leaves on the trees grow more black than green, if it grows at all, the bark may grow into what may be gnarled faces, dark brittle grass is trampled underfoot and sickly looking plants thrive amid a perpetual gloom and fog. Wildlife in those parts take on a more fiendish appearance, and monsters of the night not seen elsewhere roam as commonly as any deer or rabbit.
And many things do indeed make the Deadlands their home, dark things. It is a safe habour for any fleeing from persecution in the civilized world and wish to practice or experiment with forbidden magics, or seek the secrets of old empires in their ruins. Lichs, Vampires, fiends, necromancers and other aberrations of the world make this land their home, making towers of the arcane, delving into the ruins of what was once allegedly a grand elven kingdom, and fighting each other over the power to rule this deathscape. Undead of all types wander the country side like beasts, the shadows come alive at night, and all manner of fiend, aberration, and monstrosity prowl. Ghosts of shattered kingdoms wander like the living, seeking release that will never come.
The Blight
But, most sinister of all, is that the Blighted Land is not constrained to its mountain border. Those near the mountains feel its shadow the most. Those looking east feel deep in their body a sense of unease they can't place. The lands in Eastern Esseas towards the mountains have become wild and untamed, with the military struggling to keep control and ensure the safety of the eastern reaches. Contact has been lost with entire towns overnight. Strange and malicious wildlife has become more common, foul monstrosities are witnessed crossing over and under the Kybars. But this is not the first time; for many times in history has evil sallied forth out from those foul lands to the east. These excursions from the dark lands are call "A Scourge", and so far have all been beaten back at a great cost. But, according to the likes of the Earthen Circle and the Emerald Sentinels, what is new; is that the dark miasma which is normally contained behind the mountains is spreading. Dark patches of forest matching those across the mountains have been appearing and growing far from the Blighted Lands, corrupting the lands and animals in places which were previously considered safe. They've taken to calling this spreading darkness; The Blight.