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Lesser Idols and Patrons

After the banishing of the pantheon through the casting of the Celestia Praesidium, and the Sundering; the mortal realm was largely left to its own devices. Beyond the trickle of divine assistance allowed by the Celestia Praesidium, mortal creatures were now the keepers of the future of Othlorias. This vacuum of influence has given rise to a number of powerful entities who may not rival the gods in their abilities or influence, but left unchallenged, can amass a modest following of their own. In some cases these are beings or constructs left behind by the Gods from the Time of Creation which have become their own masters; for others their origins are unknown. These idols, avatars, and titans present themselves in many different ways, some as honorable guardians of the helpless, and others as the tyrannical gods they aspire to be. Many of these beings have ambitions they wish to fulfill and can offer great power to mortals in exchange for their servitude, some continue to fulfill the wishes and desires of a higher master.   Functionally, many of these can be used for Warlock Patrons, or as a deity in their own right for your character. These are here for you to either use, or take as inspiration to create your own lesser deity or patron.

Ceratos of Many Minds

Suggested Warlock Patron: The Great Old One   Considered to be one of the "Old Gods", a being that slipped from the Far Realm into Material Plane before the Time of Creation. No one knows how much of such Old Gods still exist, but of all the creatures and deities known to mortal, Ceratos is believed to be one of the oldest in the world. A single creature of many minds, Ceratos revels in chaos. When the Elemental Chaos was divided into the elemental planes, Ceratos retreated underground, their minds unraveling as they entered a nightmarish slumber.   The war of the Cataclysm woke Ceratos. Though their minds were scattered, each desired the return of chaos to unite themselves. So Ceratos sent thoughts to the surface, offering magic to those who could create chaos in the land above, so that they might one day regain their full power. Ceratos tells their followers that chaos brings clarity and destruction begets rebirth.   Appearance. Ceratos is thought to be a massive skinless sphere of flesh covered in mismatched eyes, mouths, and tentacles. They can project their minds’ thoughts into other creatures, especially those who desire to bring chaos to the world.

Xavius, The Nightmare Prince

Suggested Warlock Patron: The Fiend, The Hexblade, The Archfey   Formerly a powerful Satyr from the Feywild, Xavius was a High Orator of the Court of the Fey Queen until he banished for delving into the secrets within the Emerald Athenaeum. But this did not stop Xavius's exploration of the arcane and forbidden knowledge, in only fueled his desire. He reaches out through dreams and nightmares, often under the guise of others; to those who also seek knowledge and he can trick or employ to bring it to him.   Appearance. Xavius appears as a larger, and taller than normal Satyr, with twisting horns, a deep purple fur, and long black talons. His eyes burn with a blood red light, as sigils of infernal origins slowly twist across his skin. He is a master of shadow and deception, so can appear in other forms at will.

Naviask, The Redeemed

Suggested Warlock Patron - The Archfey   Once a powerful balrog pursuing total annihilation of the Feywild, Naviask was transformed into a fey spirit by Queen Titania of the Summer Court after falling into one of her traps. Titania’s magic changed Naviask’s mission to destroy into a quest to heal scarred lands with nature. After the Cataclysm, Naviask was drawn to Othlorias, where he currently remains, seeking to heal the devastation and ruin that still plague the world.   Naviask’s followers say that the strange demon-turned-fey wanders the forests of the Kybar's Teeth Mountains, but is only glimpsed by those he wishes to see him. He aims to heal the land, but the magics that taints the earth do not easily fade. He searches for those of similar heart and offers to share his power, so that the land might finally be healed.   Appearance. Naviask retains his balrog shape, but his demonic profile is softened by a verdant hue, and the flowers and vines that adorn his body. The former demon’s inner fire has been replaced with sunlight, and he wields a whip made of pure radiance.

The Hag Mother

Suggested Warlock Patron - The Fiend   Rumored to be the oldest hag and progenitor of all other hags in Othlorias, the Hag Mother arrived in the world sometime during the Epoch of Creation. She has a soft spot for humanoids in peril that caused her original coven to exile and bind her to Othlorias with a magical curse. She wanders the land, making deals with people in dire straits, offering the power to save themselves in return for their service. The tasks the Hag Mother asks of those who accept her deals are always dangerous and sometimes grotesque and cruel. Some of these quests save lives, while others end them. Others still result in the creation of more hags. Many of the missions seem to serve no purpose, but the Hag Mother always has a plan. Whether her endgame is to destroy her enemies, break her curse, or rule Othlorias is known only to the Hag Mother herself.   Appearance. The Hag Mother can take any female humanoid form she chooses and often travels in disguise, but her true form is that of a gnarled, purple-skinned crone with stringy black hair, yellow eyes, and red ram’s horns that curl back from her forehead.

Mor'Gwar, The Lurker Below

Suggested Warlock Patron: The Fathomless   Lurker is believed to have been the creation of Zehir and terrorized the seas of Tempest Ocean until the Sundering left the leviathan without master or purpose. The surviving indigenous people of the Ishkalah Islands, the Ki’Nau, took The Lurker as their guide and god to rule the waters and bring them prosperity. The leviathan elevated the Ki’Nau to conquer much of the southern coasts of the continent until the jealous will of Zehir reached beyond the Celestia Praesidium, and discovered the insolence of his creation, commanding his followers to seal away The Lurker in the bedrock somewhere beneath the waves.   The Lurker now reaches out to the dreams of nautical wanderers and shipwrecked sailors, lending his power to those who wish to rule the sea as he once did, beckoning them to free him from his suboceanic prison with promises of arcane gifts and the blessing of the blade known as the Sword of Fathoms, an extension of the Leviathan's will and influence. He continuously seeks out individuals whom he can sway to release him from his binds under the sea.   Appearance. The Lurker takes the form of an incredibly massive sea serpent. His coiled and twisting length is covered with fins, scales, and amber eyes, with a head ending in a pointed, fanged jaw and a face of three amber eyes. He will also appear to individuals as a fish, or school of fish with glowing eyes.

Xalicas, The Fallen Angel

Suggested Warlock Patron: The Celestial   The Cataclysm at the end of the Epoch of Creation took the lives of mortals and immortals alike. Many angels that fought with the Prime Deities were slain, and most that survived were wounded. The Solar Xalicas, right hand justice, was so injured that even the magic of the gods could not help the angel regain the ability to see, fly, or leave Othlorias. For over a century, Xalicas lay broken and blinded in the Kolcari Wilds, moss and plants covering her body, until she had the strength to move, blaming herself for the small part she played in the Cataclysm.   Now Xalicas wanders the world to make up for the sins of the Cataclysm and prevent another devastating war. Her followers attempt to heal war-scarred lands and repair the natural world. Xalicas knows that alone and in her injured state she cannot stop all the evils in the world, so the angel lends her power to those she finds worthy: creatures who wish to stop unnecessary war, stand up to tyranny, and defend the innocent.   Appearance. Xalicas is a silver-skinned solar who wears a clean white bandage around her eyes. Her body is covered in scars, and one of her wings is blackened and burned. Most often hides her appearance under thick cloaks, and has a silver raven for a companion.

Aq'sirr, the Shade of Nightfall

Suggested Warlock Patrons: The Fiend, The Hexblade, the Undead   A great many beings of darkness and evil dwell within the Shadowfell, and many more were created and destroyed during the years of the Cataclysm. Of the most terrifying are those who have emerged for the lifeless depths of the Negative Plane which lies beneath even the Shadowfell.   Emerging from the depths of the Negative Plane hundreds of years ago after fateful adventurers were lured to their demise by the whispers of Aq'sirr. The Shade of Nightfall now commands a fiefdom in the Shadowfell known as the Dreadmist Wastes. From his black tower he visits mortal during twilight and in their dreams, offering power and reward in exchange for their services.   Appearance: Aq'sirr appears as a black smoke, with vaguely visible eyes and in a cloaked humanoid shape.

Er'tan the Windrunner

Suggested Warlock Patron: The Genie   An Elemental Genie from the Plane of Air, Er'tan is outcast among his own people. Known for an eccentric interest in the short lives of mortals, he refuses to tow the line of Thunderan the Stormrager, his elemental lord. This willingness and desire to avoid his liege has led Er'tan to reside for many, many years on the Mortal plane interacting with humans. What exactly his goals and ambitions are remain unclear to most, even his followers. But as a being of eternal life, he has plenty of time to wait out his goals; whatever those may be.   Appearance: He appears most often as a misty wind squall, or to his trusted followers as his true genie form; As an attractive, tall, well-muscled humanoids with blue skin and dark eyes and a lower half shrouded in clouds.
Xavius, The Nightmare Prince
The Hag Mother  
Mor'Gwar, the Lurker Below  
Xalicas, The Fallen Angel  
Aq'Sirr, The Shade of Nightfell
Er'tan the Windrunner


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