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Order of the Sun Soul

The Order of the Sun Soul monks follow a ancient monastic tradition that they believe has its roots in the ancient empire of Netheril. While the Kingdom of Netheril is now long lost to time and history, the order survived. Its remaining members scattered to the winds and corners of Othlorias to survive and regrow. For hundreds of years, the Monks of the Sun Soul remained largely nomadic, recruiting only a few apprentices to keep their ranks alive and keep moving. This was until the monk Saesee Tiin, while wandering the Morencian highlands, was graced with a vision of The Guiding Light, and he soon joined the First Lightbringer as one of her first followers. Soon after, he opened the Monastery of the Dawning Sun high in the mountains above the city of White Rock. Then, he set out around the globe to find his wayward brothers and sisters. Where he met them, they were greeted warmly with a vision from the Guiding Light, and built a new Monastery on the spot, and thus the order spread.   In their philosophy, living things harbor a fragment of the sun’s mystic essence within them. Just as the body has a shadow, so too does the spirit have a light. That light is called the sun soul. Brothers and sisters of the Order of the Sun Soul train to tap into the “spiritual light within” and manifest it as supernatural feats of prowess and endurance.   While the Monks of the Sun Soul support and worship the Guiding Light as the Spirit which guides their souls, they do not adhere to the religion in the same way as the others, instead blending their ancient beliefs from their origins in Netheril with the new found faith in the Guiding Light. When Saesee Tiin sought out his brothers and sisters, they were granted a vision, but not all shared the same vision. Rather than seeing the Guiding Light directly, with many were instead greeted by one of the Paragons of Light; ethereal agents of the Guiding Light, such as Roh'tahl the Silver Light, or M'uru the Judicator. This would go on to influence the personal mission of any one of the monasteries while they each adhered to the same teachings.


To get in touch with their internal light, Sun Soul monks follow a strict code of ascetic conduct called the Precepts of Incandescence. It emphasizes three pillars however this sect is a little less virtuous and focuses on these two. They also believe the Guiding Light is the voice of the light.
  • Seek physical perfection. To open the way for the sun soul to manifest, one should strive to make the body beautiful. Fitness, cleanliness, and well-honed physicality create a clearer window through which the light can shine.
  • Hone your body and your mind. You are the tool you will use to change reality.
  • Shine light into darkness. Share the soul’s light with the world. Light up dark places with your presence and banish shadow.
  • Abhor the witch, undead, demon and abomination, for they are the forces and tools of evil.
Listen to the Voice of the Guiding Light; beware the deceiving whispers of the Shadow in the Dark.


Candidate - The title for a person asking for admission into a monastery, both before actual admission and for the length of time proceeding their admission into the novitiate.   Novice - Once a candidate is tested and training begins, they undergo a lengthy period of monastic training and preparation prior to taking vows in the order. It is during this time that a candidate becomes a Novice. Throughout their time as Novice, they will be tested to determine whether or not they are truly called to the religious life.   Monks - Once a Novice has undergone their training, and have been assessed by a panel of senior members, they are allowed to take the vows of the order and are initiated as full Monks of the Sun Soul.   Abbott - The political and spiritual head of the monastery. Represents the needs and desires of the Monastery in dealings with others. 

Notable Monasteries

  Monastery of the Dawning Sun - The First Monastery. It here, in the hills above the future site of Whiterock in the Lightforged Realm of Morencia, Saesee Tiin encountered the First Lightingbringer and began to follow the Guiding Light. Monks from this monastery are held in particularly high esteem by their brothers and sisters, and are viewed as being particularly even tempered and wise. The Abbott of the Monastery is bestowed the title of "First Abbott", and takes up the mantle of first-among-equals when the leaders of the order meet.   Sunrise Spire Monastery - A needle of rock spearing the sky high in the Meridian Peaks. The halls of this monastery are near silent and devoid of music or laughter as its members seek enlightenment through meditation. Monks from the Sunrise Spire are known for their promotion of harmony, and skills in diplomacy. They seek to end a situation first through peaceful and diplomatic measures, and will only seek to use violence as a last resort.   Weisshaupt Monastery - One of the first Monastery's to be founded after the Sunrise Spire in Morencia, Weisshaupt sits high on a rise looking over the southern Andishan Lowlands and the Ondari province of Kirkwall from a commanding position in the Throndak Range. The first Abbott of this Monastery was the first to be visited not by the Guiding Light itself, but one of its Paragons of Light; M'uru the Judicator. As a result, the Monks of this Monastery tend to be much more militant than many of their cousins.


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