The War of Flesh and Scale
The Conflict
Many generations after the settling of The Isle of Popkin, memories of a prior draconic presence had faded into myth and blended into stories about the elemental deities of the island, whose primacy was reaffirmed with every storm and every eruption. The Beach Dwarf and Popkin Dragonborn communities, however, had different views about the form their deities took. The dwarves, naturally, envisioned their gods as roughly dwarf-like personifications of the four elements. The dragonborn, unsurprisingly, believed the gods to be draconifications, instead. This caused no meaningful friction, until an Archdruid of the Circle of the Elements was raised who took a far keener interest in the island's society than her predecessors. She wielded openly the connection she had been granted to the Elemental Planes, proclaiming it as proof the the gods favored the dragonborn -- and therefore must themselves be dragons. Where previously, dwarf and dragonborn had ribbed one another good-naturedly about the others' silly beliefs, blood soon began to spill. Before long, dwarven clerics and dragonborn druids would lead armies to war.