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The Good Looking Adventurers

The Good Looklng Adventurers were a famed adventuring group that led the west during the Second Dragon War. The members were Sanchez Swellington, Jefree "JJ" Danger, Zim/Zer, Lester Fester, Captain Guy Cameron, Dr. Nightmarius Tabaxium, and previously Solenya.  

The Early Days

The group came together on the island of Desmere at the request of their mutual friend Sanchez Swellington. The ranger had been hired to track down the recently captured elven Prince Peren of Eastcliff. The party clashed with a group of dwarves outside a tower where the prince was being held captive. During the battle, the half-elven wild sorcerer Enna aided the party. The party aided the royal family in obtaining an artifact that had been said to stabilize wild magic. The ritual failed and the city of Aman's Town was destroyed.

The Ethereal Dragon

The Good Looking Adventurers aided the King of Kesdeya in various tasked involving strange creatures from the Ethereal Plane. Their involvement in the issue led them into the Underdark where they learned an Ethereal Dragon named Haxathrix had broken through the barrier and was turning the region into his new lair. During this time, the wizard Solenya had been invited to the Trials of the Archmage in Argoth. The party agreed to return with him where he was awarded the title of Headmaster of the Arcane.

The Second Dragon War

The Good Looking Adventurers were instrumental in defeating the Draconians second assault of Argoth. During the entirety of the war, the party made decisions and were present for events that would shape the future of the continent.
Including but not limited to:
The Burning of Rosedrift
The Assault of Greenhaven
Sanchez Swellington was named King of Wolf's Hill
Zim/Zer became Monarch of the Wood Elves
Dr. Tabaxium unearthed the lost city of Jolaris
Solenya betrayed the party and pursued Lichdom.
The Battle of the Scorched Fields

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