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Wark Ing

Wark Ing, born Prince Advan Andreer, is a human Cleric of Tilir and a member of the Vacationers. He specializes in divine powers granted by his deity as well as smashing things with his hammer. He is the current Champion of Tilir and possesses the Creator's boon.
"I am a fucking god! Now, walk this way."
-Wark Ing


Advan was born the second son born to the King & Queen of Wolf's Hill. As he was not expected to rule, his early years were spent studying the art of war. While still a child, Advan's father died and passed the crown to his older brother. The council of elders feared that the new King's paranoia would lead him to kill Wark. Under the cover of nightfall, Advan was led out of the capital and placed into hiding in Selba's Hollow. There he took up the name Wark Ing.
    Wark spent his years in Selba's Hollow living in a small storage closet within a guard tower within the city. A Crownshield captain, Walter Rowntree , was tasked with looking over the Prince. Walter enrolled Wark into the Tabaxium Academy to learn more than just the art of war. While in school Wark met the children of the Wet and Wild Buffalos.
    Throughout the years, the royal Andreer family would visit Selba's Hollow for diplomatic meetings with the other ruling governments. During one of these gatherings, Wark learned he had a younger sister, Queen Eliza Andreer  , and was allowed to introduce her to the other children in the city. However, Wark was not allowed to reveal his identity to her. Also during this time, Wark met his cousin Slaptag Falcon.
     The disappearance of the Wet and Wild Buffalos saw Wark's friends scatter across the country. Having no real reason to stay in the city, Wark set out into the wild. Often times adventuring with his cousin Slaptag and the Royal Rangers. During his travels, Wark took on many pseudonyms to protect his identity from his brother.
     The sudden death of the King of Wolf Hill caused the Elder council to seek out Wark. As the oldest living Andreer, the crown was rightfully his. When this news eventually found Wark's ears, he refused the call. Having spent so much time traveling the world, Wark had no interest in donning the crown and believed his sister would be a better ruler.

Champion of Tilir

Wark's early research of war led him to worship the Creator of the Forge and Fury, Tilir. The combination of his divine power and his mastery of combat led him to become one of Tilir's most-watched acolytes. As Wark and his companions learned of the impending Demon Incursion, Tilir invited Wark to his home plane of Ysgard. While on Ysgard the Creator tasked Wark to prove himself worthy. With the aid of his friends, Wark defeated a pair of Frost Giants and was named the Champion of Tilir. With this title, Wark gained the Boon of Fury as well as the Hammer of Tilir.
Race: Human
Class: Cleric of Tilir
Relationships: The Vacationers (Member), The Defenders (Member), House Andreer (Family), Tilir (Deity), Slaptag Falcon (Cousin).

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