Military action
On the 21st day of the Wyvern moon of 1173, The guilds in Dalilak began a bloody open war among each other, arguing over guild authority in certain areas.
The already high tensions between guilds was exacerbated by a strong of unfortunate events, including litigation ruling against the Bakers guild on grain priorities, broken down negotiations, and the murder of a member of the Packers guild. Found murdered in a warehouse on the outskirts of Dalilak, The Packer's guild immediately announced the murder, while the Bakers and butchers guild pointed their fingers at the Brewer's guild and the guild of Fresh produce. The guild of Fresh produce and the Brewers guild denied the claims, and the Innkeepers Guild ran a memo claiming the murder was an inside job done by the packers to gain more power through negotiations. By the time the weekend was over, the guilds were arming themselves, and members were operating around the clock protecting guild property, and openly fighting in the streets. The violence was so great that King Elhokar and High Lord Dalinar marched to Dalilak to aid the Aladar's in restoring order to Dalilak. Unbeknownst to (almost) everyone, The Team sent by Dalinar as ambassadors to the Aladar's had killed the presumed murdered packers guild member while hunting down Lycanthropes who were attempting to turn the Aladar family.