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Cove (a.k.a. Ko'Vak)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cove was born from a tryst between a Half Orc Sailor lost at sea and a Water Jhinasi trying to throw off the scent of Bounty Hunters. Mateus, his Father, rescued the woman from the clutches of some mercenaries and she in turn helped him find his way home. The cold nights led to deep conversation, drunken songs and eventually passion. However despite his pleas for the Jhinasi to stay by his side, Darya chose to flee once land was sighted. 1 year later, in the middle of a storm tearing through the village of Jōki. Matues heard a cry cut through the storm. He looked out the front of his tent to see a basket and a note. The note simply read. "I can't keep him safe. I pray you can" The basket on the other hand contained a babe, screaming in the night as the rain hammered down. The boy grew and played amongst the other orcs and half orcs of the village. Questions were asked about the appearance of the child but over time no-one paid the boy any more mind than the next. The village cared for him, his Father loved him and all seemed well until the village prepared for his ritual of Fire. The Orcish ancestors gathered and the whole village sat watching as the Cove set to the task of walking across the burning coals. He achieved this feat, but only because steam burst out around him, the water in his blood extinguishing the coals and his place in the village. The coal being extinguished bore a bad omen and the elders turned their backs on Cove, denying him full entry to being a man of any of the tribes represented by the village elders. That day his Father told him of his Mother Cove was heartbroken and fled the village, taking a small boat and sailing aimlessly. Deep in his heart he beseeched the God of Fire to burn away this water that quenched his fire. The God's remained silent. The Jhin, Yuhraq however did not. Fire was given. The price? Cove was to be a bearer of the Warhorn of the Flame. The true price? The horn will always be sought by those seeking to claim the power of the Jhin Cove accepted readily, not comprehending the danger as the dreams of returning to his village and taking his place as a man ran through his mind. These happy visions soon burnt red as the deal was searing into his face, replacing one of his eyes with a glass eye   He returned to the village with a tome, a warhorn and an eye of glass, only to see it under attack by the very hunters who chased his mother 14 years ago. A deep fire emerged from him and cut down the ranks of the bounty hunters who fled into the night. The village rallied around Cove, gifting him the name Kov'ak and welcoming him with open arms but the look on his Father's face said everything. It was time for him to leave   4 years have passed since then with the Jhin keeping him one step ahead of the hunters who pursue him through messages in flame. He's been so careful but his desire to explore the world and enjoy his life have led him to be somewhat careless as the hunters close in on him.

Personality Characteristics


Protect the Horn Don't Die

Virtues & Personality perks

Very Loyal....eventually

Vices & Personality flaws

Will peace out at a moments notice. Always keeping an eye out


Self Cleaning

Charming Elusive and Suspicious

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Neurotic Good
One Blue, One Glass
Dark Blue, Almost Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aqua - Blue tinged Green
Quotes & Catchphrases
oops...Gotta Go!

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