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Ni-koh (Knee-k-oh)

Ni-koh is the southern half of the now split Soza. It's name comes for the Sozan word meaning 'Sunshine'.

Early History

The first frew years on Ni-koh were chaos and panamonia as those that survived the Cataclysm tried to resettle in seemingly godless, shattered world. Soon civilisations sprung up across the continent as faith was restored and survivors flocked together.



The Light of the Shin spire continues to glow in pulses from the centre of the continent. The light and Shin of the Spire continues to keep The Mu (the void) at bay, but the Mu Frost continues to creep in ever-so slowly. The land mass of Ni-koh is made up of 35% Mu Frost, 25% water (Orora Sea/Rivers), 15% Shin Spire, 10% Forest/Woodlands, 7% Grassland, 5% Mountainous regions, and 3% Desert.


With the pulsating light of the Spire continuing, the temperature during the day is consitent to those prior to the cataclysm. At night the temperatures drop, with those on the fringes of the continent experiencing the worst. It is this distribution of heat that causes the vast majority of weather systems in Ni-koh. The other smaller percentage is caused by the Shinuzu (magical vortex). Shin residue leaks out and can cause extreme weather phenomenon with is not always natural. Whilst the natural weather systems are reliable and some what predictable, Shin Storms can only be predicted by divination.


With the threat of Mu and the encroaching frost the vast majority sentient beings migrated closer to the safety of the Spire. This resulted in the major cities and civilisations dotting the coasts along the Orora Sea. Each race of sentients fought to claim their own part of this continent, some peacefully others by force. It is now divided up into seven terriorties:
Ama Basin - The Treaty of Halflings and Gnomes
Kozakura - The Orc Tribes
Machukara - The Elven Empire
Orora Sea - The Contested Waters
Pai Kai - The Teifling Hordes
Shidekima - The Human Federation
Tsukishima - The Dwarven Republic
Wa-an - The Free Democratic state

Whilst races aren't confined to these territories these are the acknowledged borders and their governing races.  

Government and Politics

The governments of Ni-koh vary from territory to territory. Each has implemented their own system and there is no over arching government structure.



The common tongue of Ni-koh is Sozan (So-Zahn), but each race has their own language that is common within each of the territories.



Those of Ni-Koh follow one of the five deities of the Sozan Pantheon. Whilst some races favour certain deities, none are bound to follow as such.


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