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Soza (So-zah)

The Creation

In the beginning there was only the darkness; an empty void with no life. A being of pure Shin (magic and life) discovered a hollow rock floating in this abyss, which it claimed as its own. Fusing with its core, the being created the Shin Spire; the epicentre of light and warmth. Soza was born.
The being gave form to the Shin, creating fauna and flora alike. The inhabitants flourished and began to worship the being giving it the name Tama meaning ‘soul’ in the common tongue. For a time there was peace, but that peace was soon threatened by external forces.
The Shoshi, devourers of Shin itself were drawn to the only life within the void. Unable to breach the light interior they sent minions to do their bidding. Cruel, twisted, belligerent batrachians that hell-bent on destroying the world from the inside. Now fused with the Spin Spire, Tama was unable to stop the beings on its own so they sent part of their own Shin out to manifest. The Shin split and fused with the four core elements of the world unleashing the four Primordials, beings of pure power and destruction. Together they protected the inhabitants from the coming waves of minions.

The Shoshi knew not defeat, and over millennia they psionically planted seeds of doubt and corruption into the minds of the Primordials, tempting them with greed and a thirst for more power. In fighting and squabbling occurred as each wanted to be the most powerful. Until one day their fighting caused an instability with the balance of the Spire itself. Finally seeing the damage they had caused they attempted to save the tower and reverse what they had done, but it was too late. In a last ditch attempt to save those they had sworn to protect they sacrificed their corporeal forms to contain the blast. Whilst powerful, even they could not prevent the Spire from shattering. The resulting explosion of Shin split the world in half and left an ever present opaque, roiling storm of Shin particles between the two halves. The Spire’s glow dimmed and faded, a weak pulse all it could muster. With that, its protective powers dulled. The edges of the two halves became exposed to the void beyond. But the blast hadn’t been for nothing, the Shoshi seemed to have vanished with the explosion somehow.
Life on the two halves continued, oblivious to the other. Inhabitants of each half discovered they could now tap into the abundance of Shin floating through the world. The bottom half; Ni-Koh, rebuilt as if nothing had happened. The remaining Shin Spire still pulsed on enough to give them an adequate ‘day’ but when it faded the dark crept in again, only repelled when the Spire’s light returned. However things were different on the top half; Mo-kno. This half of the Spire seemed to have been hit harder, all it could manage was a low constant glow. The dark crept in quicker and the residents were forced to relocate as close as possible to the Spire.

Millennia after the Calamity, portals; weird fractions in reality have started to appear. Through it, contact has been re-established. Now the two finally can see how the other half lives. But that isn’t all that has returned. Rumours of Shoshi minions appearing spread throughout both halves and without the Gods to protect them many fear the Shoshi aren’t far behind.

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