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Fertility Gods hold power over the soil in which crops take root, the bonds of family, and sexuality and childbirth. This Purview holds sway over the vitality of plants, animals, and mortals, capable of bestowing powerful blessings on fields or families. However, it also governs famine, blight, and infertility, and can lay terrifying curses by withholding the gifts of Fertility.





Cost: Spend 1 Legend
  Duration: Condition
  Subject: One character
  Range: Close
  Action: Simple

You can confer great vitality on another character with the fruits of Fertility. To use this Boon, you must prepare a meal that your target eats, offer them support in a familial role, or share a moment of physical intimacy. This blessing takes the form of a Condition. Once per scene, the target may call upon the blessing to add Enhancement 3 on a roll made with a Force or Resilience Attribute. This Condition resolves once its benefit has been applied a total of (your Legend + 1) times.A Scion who benefits from this condition may call on it to undertake a Feat of Scale without having to spend a point of Legend. Doing so resolves the condition.



Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
  Duration: Indefinite
  Subject: One piece of land or one family
  Range: Close
  Action: Simple
Yours is the power to bless or blight, granting or withholding the nature’s favor at your whim. This Boon can be used on a contiguous piece of land that is recognized as a single locale by human reckoning — “the Hampstead Farm” or “this forest” would be valid targets, but “the 312 acres of land around me” would not.
  • Blessed land rapidly blooms with plant life, undergoing a rapid surge of growth over a matter of seconds, and eventually an entire growing season’s worth of development over the course of a week. The land remains fertile enough to provide Enhancement 3 on rolls to cultivate or harvest it for (Legend x 10) years after this Boon ends.
  • Blighted lands undergo rapid decay. Crops become inedible instantly, and almost all plant life dies out within a week. Structures made from wood or other plant-based materials decay as well, suffering a single level of Health damage each day (or rotting damage sufficient to reduce it to a ruin within two weeks). The blighted land remains infertile for (Legend x 10) years after this Boon ends. Alternatively, you can use this Boon on a family. You must target a single member of the family, and can only affect characters that are their direct ancestors, direct descendants, or are married or otherwise joined to the targeted character. A grandfather, daughter, or husband would all be affected, but a cousin or sisterin-law would not be.
  • All members of a blessed family have Enhancement 2 to resist poison or disease. They never suffer from infertility or complications relating to pregnancy. Any children conceived or born during this Boon’s duration are hale and hearty, guaranteed to survive through adolescence unless harmed by unnatural causes. Such children often have a sensitivity or affinity for the supernatural and are likely to grow up to become Prophets or Saints, or even Scions.
  • A blighted family suffers from total infertility. They are unable to conceive children, and any ongoing pregnancies end in miscarriage. Weaker members of the family — usually children or the elderly — that are trivial targets will most likely die of natural causes within aday, capable of being prevented only through intensive medical care throughout the duration of this Boon.


Cost: Spend 1 Legend
  Duration: Condition
  Subject: One character or multiple trivial characters
  Range: Medium
  Action: Simple
Invoking the negative aspects of Fertility, you afflict your target with a curse of uncontrolled growth, causing them to develop spontaneous cancers and malignant growths. They suffer the Blighted Condition, adding +2 Difficulty on all physical actions they attempt. Resolving this Condition requires magical healing or extensive mundane treatment such as a course of chemotherapy. This Boon can be used to target multiple trivial characters within range for free. At your option, trivial targets may die on the spot from agonizingly rapid cancerous growth over the course of the scene.

Innate Power: Once per session, you can radiate an aura of vitality, causing flowers and other plant life to bloom and grow. All allies out to long range may resolve a single Bruised or Injured Condition. This cannot heal Maimed Conditions.

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