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The Purview of Fire holds sway both over literal flames, which hold power to destroy and create, and the metaphorical flames that burn in the mortal heart, from the fires of sultry passion to the illumination of enlightenment. In addition to creating and controlling literal fire, heat, and light, the miracles of this Purview can also cause sudden outbursts of passion, intense emotion, or inspiration.





Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
  Duration: Indefinite
  Subject: One fire
  Range: Medium

You imbue a fire with a spark of your divine power, making it a part of yourself. The flame expands, spreading out to the size of a large campfire if smaller. It burns indefinitely without needing additional fuel and can’t be extinguished by non-magical means. As a Simple action, you can extend your senses through the fire, letting you see, hear, and smell things as though you were there. Previous uses of this Boon end if you use it to bless a new fire.



Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
  Duration: One scene
  Subject: Self
  Action: Reflexive

You gain the ability to attack enemies with fire. Each Scion can choose a unique manifestation of Fire for their attack: throwing firebolts, heat ray vision, or triggering spontaneous combustion with an incantation or a finger snap. You can make these attacks as Simple actions for the scene, rolled with Athletics + Dexterity. They have the Aggravated, Ranged, and Pushing tags.



Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
  Duration: One scene or Condition
  Subject: One character
  Range: Short
  Action: Simple

You inspire another character with flames of enlightenment and creativity. The next Cunning, Presence, or Intellect roll they make gains Enhancement 3. However, if they don’t find the opportunity to make an applicable roll before the end of the scene, the inner fire overwhelms them, imposing a Condition that raises the difficulty of any Social or Mental actions by 1 unless that character is completely open and honest about everything on their mind. Expressing a deeply personal truth, a potentially provocative opinion, or something similarly inflammatory resolves the Condition.

Innate Power: You and your personal belongings cannot take damage or suffer any form of harm from fire, heat, or smoke inhalation. You can walk through wildfires or industrial microwaves unharmed, swim in magma for as long as you can hold your breath, and perform similar feats of fireproof heroism. Extreme cold is likewise harmless to you.

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